
英汉对照图示基础工程学第十一章 挡土结构物

2020-11-06 来源:榕意旅游网
第十一章 挡土结构物

Chapter11 Soil retaining structures

246.Support systems 支撑系统

anchored wall锚碇墙 strutted wall支撑墙 cantilever wall悬臂墙 sheet pile板桩 strut支撑

wale beam撑梁 ground anchor地锚 247.Wood elements 木构件 groove槽 spline键


driving sequence打桩顺序 248.Concrete elements 混凝土构件 heavy重 difficult难 grouted注浆 driving打(桩) 249.Steel sheet piles 钢板桩 light轻

difficult to drive难打 250.Sheet piles details 板桩详图

anchor rod锚杆 lagging挡板 wedge楔体 wale beam横梁 soldier beam立柱

251.Details of wall construction 挡墙施工详图 poling boards直板

soldier beams(King post)立柱(主柱) strap钢条 clip夹具

welded studs焊接螺帽 washers垫片

soldier beam placed in predrilled borehole置于预钻孔中的立柱

252.Bored pile wall 钻孔桩墙

wale beam横梁 ground anchor地锚 253.Berliner wall 柏林纳墙

soldier pile立柱

precast element预制构件 ground anchor地锚 shotcrete喷射混凝土 rail钢轨

wire mesh金属网

precast concrete panels预制混凝土板 254.Factor of safety of retaining wall 挡土墙的安全系数

active earth pressure主动土压力 passive earth pressure被动土压力 factor of safety安全系数 water pressure水压力 friction angle摩擦角

255.Cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂板桩墙 flow line流线

equipotential line等势线 water pressure水压力

net water pressure净水压力

256.Earth pressure distribution of cantilever wall,cohesionless soil 悬臂墙的土压力分布,无粘性土 uplift上浮 dragdown下拉 gradient梯度

water pressure水压力 Rankine朗肯

257.Earth pressure distribution of cantilever wall,cohesive soil 悬臂墙的土压力分布,粘性土

undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度 cohesion粘聚力 net pressure净压力

active earth pressure主动土压力 Rankine朗肯 actual实际 assumed假设

water pressure水压力

258.Earth pressure distribution of cantilever wall,factor of safety

悬臂墙的土压力分布,安全系数 clay粘土 depth深度

factor of safety安全系数 cohesion粘聚力

259.Design of sheet pile walls 板桩墙设计 wale beam横梁 anchor rod锚杆 sheet pile板桩

260.Failure mechanisms 破坏机理

plastic hinge塑性铰 rotation旋转

261.Anchored sheet pile wall(Free earth support) 锚碇板桩墙(无支撑) center of rotation旋转中心 surfaced load地面荷载 resisting moment抵抗力矩 driving moment推进力矩 depth深度

earth pressure土压力 net pressure净压力

overburden pressure超载压力

262.Earth pressure distribution in cohesive soil with wall friction 考虑墙体有摩阻力时粘性土中的土压力分布 adhesion附着力

wall friction墙体摩阻力 depth深度


vertical pressure竖向压力 surfaced load地面荷载

263.Critical height of sheet pile wall in clay 粘土中板桩墙的临界高度 no wall friction无墙体摩阻 with wall friction有墙体摩阻 stability factor稳定系数 unstable不稳定 stable稳定

undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度

264.Earth pressure distribution along sheet pile wall 板桩墙上的土压力分布

passive earth pressure被动土压力 active earth pressure主动土压力

sand砂土 clay粘土

surface pressure地面压力

265.Moment distribution in sheet pile wall 板桩墙中的弯矩分布 distributed load分布荷载 moment弯矩

shear distribution剪力分布 surfaced load地面荷载

266.Anchored or braced sheet pile wall 有锚杆或支撑的板桩墙 flexible柔性 stiff刚性 assumed假设 deflection挠度

earth pressure distribution土压力分布 moment distribution弯矩分布 anchor锚杆

267.Moment reduction in sheet pile wall 板桩墙中的弯矩折减 anchor锚杆 moment弯矩

reduced load荷载减少

268.Deflection of sheet pile wall 板桩墙的挠曲 stiffness刚度 height高度

269.Moment as function of sheet pile height 弯矩为板桩高度的函数 dense sand密砂 loose sand松砂 moment弯矩

270.Anchor systems 锚碇系统

soil anchor土锚 rock anchor岩锚

concrete slab混凝土板 piles桩

short sheet pile短板桩 inclination倾角 271.Anchor piles 锚桩 piles桩

pull out resistance抗拔力

272.Design aspects of anchor plate 锚碇板的设计问题 anchor plate锚碇板

passive earth pressure被动土压力 anchor force锚固力

active earth pressure主动土压力 critical failure surface临界破坏面 anchor depth锚固深度

273.Critical depth of anchor plate in sand 砂土中锚碇板的临界深度 friction angle摩擦角 depth深度

passive earth pressure被动土压力 vertical steel plate直立钢板

274.Critical depth of anchor plate in clay 粘土中锚碇板的临界深度

undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度 critical depth临界深度

275.Pull out resistance of anchor plate in clay 粘土中锚碇板的抗拔力 depth深度

276.Settlement behind sheet pile wall anchor force锚固力 settlement沉降 inclination倾角 277.Strutted wall 有支撑的墙 soil anchor土锚

passive resistance被动阻力 wedge楔体

horizontal anchor水平锚杆 278.Anchored wall 有锚杆的墙 soil anchor土锚

inclined anchor倾斜锚杆 failure wedge破坏楔体

279.General stability of anchored wall 有锚杆墙的整体稳定性 failure surface破坏面 factor of safety安全系数

active earth pressure主动土压力 passive earth pressure被动土压力

280.Load distribution between soil anchors 土锚间的荷载分布

Manfred Panel C1曼弗雷特C1

Bergshamra Panel A勃格谢姆拉锚杆A load荷载 arching起拱

281.Force redistribution in soil wedge 土楔中力的重分布 failure破坏面

282.Braced excavations 支撑开挖

settlement沉降 strut支撑

wale beam横梁

283.Earth pressure distribution(design) 土压力分布(设计)

earth pressure distribution土压力分布 sand砂土

soft clay软粘土

stiff fissured clay有裂隙的硬粘土 depth深度

undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度 struts支撑 284.Strut forces 支撑力 hinge铰接

285.Struts forces in adjacent excavations 相邻基坑中的支撑力 tensile crack拉伸裂缝 first strut第一道支撑 second strut第二道支撑

undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度 failure surface破坏面

286.Water flow into excavation in sand 地下水流向砂土基坑 flow line流线

ground water地下水 quick condition流砂条件 critical gradient临界梯度 depth of excavation开挖深度 287.Bottom heave in excavation 基坑坑底隆起 sand砂土 clay粘土

adhesion附着力 ground water地下水

struts critical depth支撑临界深度 288.Bottom heave in excavation in clay 粘土基坑的坑底隆起

stability factor稳定性系数 struts支撑 depth深度 width宽度

289.Bottom heave in excavation in clay,effect of wall adhesion 粘土基坑的坑底隆起,墙体附着力的影响 stability factor稳定性系数 adhesion附着力

290.Settlement adjacent to strutted excavation 有支撑基坑附近的沉降 struts支撑


ground water level地下水位 base heave底部隆起 stability稳定性

lateral displacement侧向位移 workmanship工艺

291.Estimate of settlement adjacent to excavation 基坑附近沉降的估算 ground loss地层损失 distance距离

maximum depth of excavation开挖最大深度 sand砂土 clay粘土


very soft clay极软粘土 stability factor稳定系数

292.Bored pile wall with soil anchors 有土锚的钻孔桩墙 shotcrete喷射混凝土 soil anchor土锚 soft clay软粘土

undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度 bored pile钻孔桩 ground anchor地锚

293.Slurry walls or diaphragm walls 泥浆护壁地下连续墙 wall panel墙幅 ground anchor地锚

294.Slurry wall construction 地下连续墙施工


bentonite slurry膨润土泥浆 reinforcement cage钢筋笼 steel tube钢管 excavation开挖

placement of steel tube放置钢管

placement of reinforcement下放钢筋笼 concreting浇注混凝土 295.Stability of slots 沟槽的稳定性 soil wedge土楔 296.Bentonite slurry 膨润土泥浆

oil well drilling油井钻进 soil borings钻土孔

bentonite clay膨润土粘土

montmorillonite[,mɔntmə'rilənait]蒙脱石 barite重晶石

barium sulphate硫酸钡 slurry density泥浆密度

297.Stability of slurry excavation 泥浆护壁开挖的稳定性 ground beams地梁

bentonite slurry膨润土泥浆 filter skin滤皮

density of slurry泥浆密度 failure wedge破坏楔

298.Maximum depth of slurry excavation 泥浆护壁开挖的最大深度

layer of stones or gravel卵砾石层 viscosity[vi'skɔsəti]粘滞性 thixotropy['θik'sɔtrəpi]触变性 filter skin滤皮

undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度 active earth pressure主动土压力 ground water level地下水位

299.Concreting of slurry excavation 泥浆护壁开挖浇注混凝土 soft clay软粘土

critical depth临界深度

undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度 density密度

tremmie pipe导管

300.Deformation of concrete wall


active earth pressure主动土压力 at rest pressure静止土压力 Winkler foundation文克勒地基 load redistribution荷载重分布 deformation变形 soil anchor土锚
