专利名称:LIGHTWEIGHT COMPOSITE ARMOR发明人:Zheng-Dong Ma申请号:US12237615申请日:20080925
摘要:Improved composite armor designs uses optimally shaped ceramic pellets, aspecific stacking geometry and a web system for patterning the pellets, improvingmanufacturability, and providing additional structural reinforcement. Lightweight,composite ballistic armor according to the invention may comprise an array of ceramic
pellets, each pellet having a front surface, a back surface and a longitudinal centerline,and wherein the front surface of each pellet is intentionally convex. The front surface ofeach pellet may be hemispherical, in which case the cross-section of the pellet takenperpendicular to the centerline may be oval-shaped. Alternatively, the front surface ofeach pellet may be elliptical, in which case the cross-section of the pellet taken
perpendicular to the centerline may be circular. In the preferred embodiment, the backsurface of each pellet is formed at the same angle relative to its centerline, with thepellets being arranged with the flat surfaces lying in a plane. The pellets may bearranged in a square matrix, or may be arranged in a hexagonally close-packed matrix.The array of pellets may be embedded in a hardened matrix material, and/or tiedtogether with netting material.
申请人:Zheng-Dong Ma
地址:Ann Arbor MI US