

2022-11-04 来源:榕意旅游网
*** 单元一


1. 我们没有必要太在乎别人对我们的评价,因为他们的评价不一定是客观公正的。(in that; objective) We do not need to care too much about what people say about us in that what they say is not necessarily objective. 2. 为了自身开展,他换了不少工作,并最终找到了合适自己的职位。但他的经历并不适用于每个人。(for the sake of; apply to)

He changed quite some jobs for the sake of his self-development before he finally found a position suitable for him. But his experience does not apply to everyone.

3. 在为自己设定目的之前,首先要弄清楚自己真正需要的是什么。对自己的需要越理解,越容易设定实在可行的人生目的。(figure out; the more … the more …)

We should first figure out what we really need before we set goals for ourselves. The more we know about what we need, the easier it is to set practical goals.

4. 大局部雇主关心的不是你自我才能的提升,而是你能为公司作多大奉献。(what …; not … but …) What most employers care about is not your self-improvement, but what you contribute to the company.

5. 无论结果如何,都不要轻言放弃。不能因为一次求职失败就低估自己的才能。(whatever; outcome; underestimate)

Whatever the outcome will be, do not give up easily. We should not underestimate our ability / ourselves just because of one failure in seeking employment. 英译中

1. The first type of judgment, the type where judging you is the end goal, includes court cases, grades in classes, and most competitions.

第一种判断,即把正确地判断一个人作为最终目的的判断,包括法院判决、考试成绩及大局部比赛。 2. It’s not aimed at producing a correct estimate of any given individual, but at selecting a reasonably optimal set. 在此目的不是为了对某个特定的个体作出正确的评估,而是选择合理的最正确组合。

3. Our early training and our self-centeredness combine to make us believe that every judgment of us is about us. 我们早年所受的训练,加上总是以自我为中心,使我们认为对我们所作的每个判断都是关于我们本身的判断。 4. And curiously enough, taking rejection less personally may help you to get rejected less often. Language in Use 令人惊奇的是,把被回绝看得不那么针对个人,能帮助你更少地遭到回绝。 我们早年所受的训练,加上我们总是以自我为中心,使我们认为对我们所作的每个判断都是关于我们本身的判断。 5. If college applicants realized how quick and impersonal most selection processes are, they’d make more effort to sell themselves, and take the outcome less personally.






1.小时候,我住的村庄四周是一片田野,但如今已不见当年的影子,原来的村庄已变成一座现代城镇。(nothing but; what-clause)

When I was a child, the village I lived in was surrounded by nothing but open fields. But now nothing remains of the village. A modern city is built on what used to be there.

2. 我的童年是在乡下度过的,那时的天很蓝,晚上仰望夜空,能看到无数的星星。(look up to)

My childhood was spent in the countryside. At that time the skies were clear. Looking up to the sky at night, I could see countless stars.

3. 他上小学时,家境贫寒,总担忧同学们会看不起他。事实上,他的担忧是多余的,同学们对他都很友好。(look down on sb)

His family was poor when he was an elementary school student, and he often worried that his classmates would look down on him. In fact his worry was unnecessary, for all his classmates were friendly to him.

4. 每个人在成长的过程中都要经历很多事,大局部被遗忘了,但有些永远印在我们的脑海里。 (while) Everyone is bound to experience a lot of things when growing up, most of which will be forgotten while some will remain in our mind forever.

5. 童年是一个五彩斑斓的盒子,里面装着许多美丽的梦想和有趣的回忆。(in which) Childhood is a colourful box, in which are beautiful dreams and interesting memories. 英译中

1 They couldn’t afford expensive presents, and they didn’t want us to think we weren’t

as good as other kids who, on Christmas morning, found all sorts of fancy toys under the tree that were supposedly left by Santa Claus. 他们买不起昂贵的礼物,也不想让我们觉得我们比不上别的孩子——在圣诞节早上,他们从圣诞树下找到各种各样的新奇玩具,据说是圣诞老人留下的。

2 I had a blanket wrapped around me, and when it was my turn, I offered to share it with Dad, but he said no thanks. The cold never bothered him.




3. Those shining stars, he liked to point out, were one of the special treats for people like us who lived out in the wilderness. 他喜欢强调一点:那些闪亮的星星是对像我们这样住在荒野里的人的特别款待。 4 The longer you looked and the more your eyes adjusted to the dark, the more stars

you’d see, layer after layer of them gradually becoming visible. 的时间越久你的眼睛就越适应黑暗,你就可以看到更多的星星。渐渐地它们一层层地呈如今你的眼前。

5. didnt have any moons or satellites or even a magnetic field, but it did have an atmosphere sort of similar to earth’s, except it was super-hot — about five hundred degrees or more. 金星没有像月亮那样的卫星或其他卫星,甚至没有磁场,但它有着与地球相似的空气,只是它的空气超热,大约有五百度甚至更高。



1. 大城市是他最不愿意居住的地方,因为他无法忍受那里的拥挤的喧闹。〔the last place…that…;bustling〕 The big city is the last place that he wishes to live in, for it is so bustling and crowded there that he finds it hard to bear.

2. 现代生活的快节奏意味着人们没有更多的时间用于人际交往,因此人与人之间显得很冷淡。(not + present participle hence)

The fast pace of modern life means people not having enough time for personal communication; hence the indifference between people.

3. 过去邻居们经常互相串门,但如今大家都习惯把自己关在各自的家里,没什么事几乎不来往。(used to stay connected)

Neighbors used to visit each other regularly. But now they are used to staying at home and rarely stay connected unless it is essential.

4. 轻松和谐的环境会对人的身心安康产生积极的影响。(harmonious; have…effect on ) A light and harmonious environment has a positive effect on people’s physical and mental health. 5. 我们应该把精力放在工作上,而不是复杂的人际关系上。(rather than) We should focus our attention on work rather than complicated personal relationships. 英译中

1. Americans in the 21st century devote more technology to staying connected than any society in history, yet somehow the devices fail us. 在使人与人保持联络方面,21世纪的美国人投入了比历史 上任何一个社会都要多的技术手段。然而这些手段却辜负了我们



2.We treat socializing as if it’s a frivolous diversion from the tasks at hand rather than an activity that is essential to our well-being as individuals and as a community. 我们把交际当做了手头诸多任务中一个不起眼的小插曲,而不是一项对于我们个人或集体的利益都很重要的活动。

3. We may have isolated ourselves without entirely meaning to, but we also have ended up in a place that looks a lot like where we always knew that we were supposed to stand.


4. The truth is that if one can bring oneself to acknowledge loneliness, half the battle is won. It is not an easy half of a battle, however.

事实是,假如有人能成认自己孤独,那么这场战役他就赢了一半。但这一半却不是那么容易赢得的 5.Small daily choices – whether to go to a local store or order off the Internet, whether to pick up a ringing telephone or let it go to voicemail, whether to get together with a friend or pop in a DVD – end up defining one’s social world.

日常生活中的小选择——是去当地的实体店还是在网上订购,是接起正在响的 还是让对方语音留言,是与朋友聚聚还是自己看光碟——最终定义了一个人的社交世界

单元 七


1.说到科学发现,我们就会想起牛顿发现万有定律。这个例子告诉我们不要无视生活中的小事,他们可能给人以灵感。〔when it comes t o;inspiration〕

When it comes to scientific discovery, we will think of Newton’s

discovery of the law of universal gravitational. The example tell us that we should not ignore the small thing in life which might give us inspiration.

2.事实证明,不按照科学规律办事,是注定要失败的。〔be bound to〕

It has been proved that we will be found to fail if we do not do things according to scientific ways.

3.当遇到挫折时,人们往往抱怨自己命运不好,虽然抱怨并不能解决问题。〔seatback;crop up; tend to〕 When setbacks crop up people tend up to complain about their bad luck , though such complain can offer nothing towards their solution.

4.这一自然奇观至今没有科学的解释,这就是人们对它倍感好奇的原因。〔natural wonder;the reason why〕 This natural wonder has not had a scientific explanation so far , that’s the reason why people are curious about it . 5.后来的结果说明,他最初的判断是正确的。假如我们从开场就按照他的方法去做,这个技术难题也许早就解决了。〔subsequent outcome;may have done〕



This subsequent outcome proved that that his initial judgment was carrect , if we had followed his method from the beginning , we may have solved the technical problem much easier . 英译中

1. Even the most rational person can be convinced at times that there is a force out there making mishaps occur at the worst possible time.

即使是最理智的人有时候也会对此坚信不疑,认为冥冥之中有一种力量让他们在最糟糕的时期里灾祸连连。 2. So badness is much better represented as being on a spectrum rather than something which is there or not there. 所以我们更应该把事情的好坏看成是一个程度的问题,而不是非好即坏

3. So while the probability of being made redundant on any particular day and the probability of being sick may both be small, the chance of both occurring is almost certainly higher than the product of the two probabilities.


4 .As in most bad luck stories, you forget about the number of times the road doesn’t land awkwardly and remember the times it does.

在大多数有关倒霉事儿的故事中, 你会忘掉道路好找的次数,只记得道路不好找的次数

5. Red lights come up just as often when the driver is not in a hurry; it’s just that the disadvantage of the red light is considerably less if time is not critical.


