2. Conservation of water is of great importance. 节约⽤⽔⾮常重要。
3. We must economize on water. 我们必须节约⽤⽔。
4. The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府号召⼤家节约⽤⽔。
5. Please economize the water, thanks for cooperation! 请节约⽤⽔谢谢合作!
6. Saving water is to cherish life. 节约⽤⽔就是珍惜⽣命。
7. The power enterprises shall economize on water. 电⼒企业应当节约⽤⽔。
8. Everyone has the accountability to save water and to propagate the concept of treasuring water. 每个⼈都有责任节约⽤⽔,并宣传节约⽤⽔。
9. We have to economize on water during the dry season 我们在旱季不得不节约⽤⽔
10. We must conserve water during the drought. ⼲旱期间我们必须节约⽤⽔。