第一编 先秦文学 第一章 上古文学
2.保存神话较多的材料《山海经》、《楚辞》、《淮南子》等。 第二章 《诗经》
1 汉代采诗说(关于诗经编订情况):班固《汉书 艺文志》“古有采诗之官,王者所以观风俗,知得失,自考正也。”;《汉书 食货志》“孟春之月,群居者将散,行人振木铎,徇于路以采诗,献之太师,比其音律,以闻天子。”;何休《春秋公羊传》“男年六十,女年五十,无子者,官衣食之,使之民间求诗。乡移于邑,邑移于国,国以闻天子。”
2《诗经》内容上分1.祭祀诗全部收在三“颂”之中 《维天之命》、《武》、《载芟》《閟宫》
2.颂赞诗 “大雅”中的《生民》、《公刘》、《帛系》、《皇矣》、《大明》 3.怨刺诗《民劳》、《桑柔》、《节南山》、《小弁》)、《北山》等; 4.婚恋诗《关雎》、《蒹葭》、《月出》、《采葛》)、《静女》、《野有蔓草》 5.征役诗《载驰》、《采薇》、《无衣》(看书P34-50) 第三章 先秦历史散文
3.《国语》:我国第一部国别体史书。大约成书于战国初年。以记言为主。记载史实上起周穆王,下至鲁悼公。(一般认为是春秋末年左丘明所作,以记言为主,故称《国语》。书中既尊礼,又崇德;既敬神,又重民。) 来源:
第四章 先秦诸子散文
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party members and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\nes\ously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacityleading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \"two\" lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \"two\" is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning leaning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \"third revolution\" the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \"Two\" is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the \"two\" is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \"the old way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\" phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \"convincing\" and \"identity\"Behind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \"Two\" is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \"practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \"Giving up\" two \"effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\" to know \"to\" music \el with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \"two learn a do\" in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out \"learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\" learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \"three strict three real\" topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \"three strict three real\" topic education from \"key minority\" to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be 1.《论语》:语录体散文。一部记载孔子及其弟子言行的书,成书于战国初年,是孔子的弟子和后学编纂而成。传至汉代出现了鲁《论语》、齐《论语》、古文《论语》。今天所见《论语》是在鲁《论语》的基础上参考齐《论语》和古文《论语》而成。 2.《墨子》:墨子及其弟子与后学在不同时期的著作,成书于战国中期。语录体散文,但少数篇章初论说文的规模。显示出由语录体象论说文过渡的痕迹。
6.《荀子》:共有三十二篇,系汉代刘向编定。荀子主张“法后王,统礼义,一制度”。荀子有《成相》和《赋篇》两篇韵文。清代卢文弓召《成相》为“后世弹词之祖”。 7. 韩非的主张是“世异则事异”,“事异则备变”,“圣人不期修古,不法常可,论世之事,因为之备”。韩非的寓言有“守株待兔”、“郑人买履”。
8.《吕氏春秋》以道家黄老学派的观点为主流。强调统一的思想。 第五章 屈原和楚辞
第二编 汉代文学 第一章 汉代辞赋
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party member
and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\not the more \"red lines\consciously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity2
leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \"two\" lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \"two\" is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \"third revolution\" the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \"Two\" is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the \"two\" is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \"the old way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\" phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \"convincing\" and \"identity\"Behind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \"Two\" is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \"practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \"Giving up\" two \"effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\" to know \"to\" music \el with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \"two learn a do\" in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out \"learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\" learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \"three strict three real\" topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \"three strict three real\" topic education from \"key minority\" to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be董仲舒的《士不遇赋》,司马迁的《悲士不遇赋》。东方朔、刘向、刘歆、王褒、扬雄。东汉后期有张衡的《归田赋》和赵壹的《刺世疾邪赋》
3.枚乘的代表作品《七发》。它是汉赋发展史上一篇带有转折性的作品,它的显著特点是夸张铺叙。它的结构格局和铺排形式都为司马相如的大赋奠定了基础。 4.司马相如的赋有《子虚赋》、《上林赋》。散文有《谕巴蜀檄》、《难蜀父老》、《谏猎疏》、《封禅文》。
5. 杨雄写有《甘泉赋》、《羽猎赋》、《长杨赋》。还写过骚体的《太玄赋》、《逐贫赋》和《反离骚》
7.张衡的作品有《两京赋》,张衡的《归田赋》与西汉初期的骚体赋仍一脉相承,但从思想和文章的体制上又有许多变化,它是魏晋以后大行于世的所谓“抒情小赋”的先驱。这类赋还有赵壹的《刺世疾邪赋》,祢衡的《鹦鹉赋》,王粲的《登楼赋》。 第二章 汉代的论说文
1. 贾谊的政论散文主要有《治安策》、《过秦论》、《论积贮疏》、《谏立淮南子诸子书》
2. 晁错的政论散文主要有《守边劝农疏》、《论贵粟疏》、《贤良文学对策》、《言兵事疏》、《论削藩疏》
3. 枚乘的政论散文仅存一篇《谏吴王书》。
4. 邹阳的政论散文有《上吴王书》、《狱中上梁王书》。 5. 董仲舒的散文有《举贤良对策》三篇。
6. 东方朔的散文有《应诏上书》、《谏起上林苑疏》、《答客难》、《非有先生论》。其中《答客难》对后世影响很答。模范它写作的有:扬雄《解嘲》、班固《宾戏》、崔骃《达旨》、张衡《应间》、崔實《客讥》、曹植《客问》、韩愈《进学解》。 7. 刘向的散文著作分为奏议、叙录、杂著三类。奏议最著名的是《谏营延陵过侈疏》。清代刘熙载“刘向、匡衡之文皆本经术。” 8.扬雄的散文《解嘲》《法言》。 9. 刘歆的散文有《移书太常博士》。
10. 东汉前期的论说文作家主要有桓谭、王充、冯衍、马援等,最重要的是王充。东汉中后期的论说文作家有李固、王符、仲长统等。王充《论衡》;冯衍的赋《显志赋》,文《显志赋序》;王符《潜夫论》;仲长统《昌言》,缪袭称仲长统“才足继西京董、谊、刘、扬”。
第三章 司马迁与《史记》
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party member
and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\not the more \"red lines\consciously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity3
leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \"two\" lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \"two\" is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning leaning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \"third revolution\" the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \"Two\" is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the \"two\" is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \"the old way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\" phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \"convincing\" and \"identity\"Behind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \"Two\" is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \"practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \"Giving up\" two \"effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\" to know \"to\" music \el with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \"two learn a do\" in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out \"learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\" learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \"three strict three real\" topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \"three strict three real\" topic education from \"key minority\" to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be 1. 《史记》的原名叫《太史公书》。共一百三十篇,五十二万字,是我国第一部纪传体的通史。它的记事上起轩辕皇帝,下迄汉武帝太初年间。其中分本纪、世家、列传、书、表五个部分。
“本纪”是以历朝帝王的顺序年代为纲的历史大事纪,是一种编年史的摘要。 “世家”是有爵位封地世代相传的家族的历史,写的是春秋战国时代所存在的各个诸侯国和汉代帝王所封的王侯。
“书”是有关经济、军事、水利、祭祀,以及礼、乐方面的制度史 “表”是把错综复杂的历史事件谱列成表格,以使人一目了然。 2. 《史记》的创作目的是“究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”。 第四章 《汉书》及东汉其他叙事散文
1. 班固是东汉的文学家、历史学家,著作有《汉书》;赋《两都赋》、《幽通赋》;散文《答宾戏》;五言诗《咏史》后人辑有《班兰台集》。
3.《吴越春秋》的作者是赵晔。 4.蔡邕是写碑铭文字的代表人物。
5. 东汉马第伯的《封禅仪记》被称之为游记文学的始祖。 第五章 汉代诗歌
1. 乐府本来是个音乐机关的名称。其职能是:一、写词配曲,演习排练。二、组织人到各地采集民歌。
4. 班固写过一首《咏史》,是我国古代第一首有案可查的文人五言诗。 第三编 魏晋南北朝文学
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party member
and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\not the more \"red lines\consciously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity4
leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \"two\" lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \"two\" is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \"third revolution\" the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \"Two\" is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the \"two\" is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \"the old way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\" phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \"convincing\" and \"identity\"Behind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \"Two\" is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \"practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \"Giving up\" two \"effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\" to know \"to\" music \el with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \"two learn a do\" in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out \"learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\" learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \"three strict three real\" topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \"three strict three real\" topic education from \"key minority\" to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be 第一章 建安文学
C 曹植是第一个大力写五言诗的作家,他的散文和辞赋也很出色《洛神赋》。钟嵘“骨气奇高,词采华茂”“建安之杰”。
2.七子:孔融,陈琳,王粲,徐干,阮瑀,应瑒,刘桢。 A孔融的散文有《论盛孝章书》、《荐祢衡表》,诗《杂诗》。
B刘勰称王粲为“七子之冠冕”,其《七哀诗》三首最为有名,其辞赋《登楼赋》最负盛名。 C陈琳有《饮马长城窟行》。 D 阮瑀有《驾出北郭门行》。
E刘桢当时与曹植并称“曹刘”,他的《赠从弟》三首写得最好。 F徐干著有《中论》。
3. 蔡琰的五言《悲愤诗》是一篇长达540字的自传体叙事诗,骚体《悲愤诗》和琴曲歌辞《胡笳十八拍》 来源:考试大-自考
第二章 魏晋文学
1.正始文学的代表作家“竹林七贤”, 其中人品和文学成就最高者,是阮籍和嵇康。 A阮籍的代表作品是八十二首五言《咏怀诗》
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party member
and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\not the more \"red lines\consciously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity5
leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \"two\" lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \"two\" is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning leaning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \"third revolution\" the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \"Two\" is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the \"two\" is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \"the old way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\" phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \"convincing\" and \"identity\"Behind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \"Two\" is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \"practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \"Giving up\" two \"effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\" to know \"to\" music \el with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \"two learn a do\" in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out \"learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\" learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \"three strict three real\" topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \"three strict three real\" topic education from \"key minority\" to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be B陆机被钟嵘奉为“太康之英”。陆机的文《吊魏武帝文》、《文赋》
C左思《咏史八首》;辞赋有《三都赋》名扬天下,洛阳纸贵。刘勰称“拔萃于《咏史》”钟嵘认为《咏史》诗是“五言之警策”极力推崇“左思风力” 3.刘琨代表作品《扶风歌》、四言诗《答卢谌》、《重赠卢谌》
4.郭璞工诗善赋,十四首《游仙诗》。钟嵘认为其诗“文体相辉,彪炳可玩”,“词多慷慨,乖远玄宗”,“乃是坎壈咏怀,非列仙之趣也” 5.贾谧“二十四友”: 潘岳,陆机,左思,刘琨
6. 东晋的玄言诗人有孙绰、许询、恒温、庾亮、支遁等,而以孙,许为代表。 7.王羲之的文以《兰亭集序》最为传诵。(永和九年<353>三月三日,王羲之与谢安、孙绰等四十一人燕集于山阴之兰亭,各赋诗咏怀。王羲之为序,记叙燕集之盛况)
第三章 陶渊明
1. 陶渊明的三篇辞赋,《闲情赋》仿张衡《定情赋》、蔡邕《静情赋》等而作。《感士不遇赋》仿董仲舒、司马迁同题之作。其辞赋中最为出色的是《归去来兮辞》。陶渊明的散文有《五柳先生传》、《桃花源记》。 第四章 南朝诗文
A刘宋时期山水诗代表作家:谢灵运“元嘉之雄”、颜延之和鲍照,世称“元嘉三大家”。 B齐及梁初为“永明体”形成和繁荣时期,代表作家是沈约、谢朓、王融等。 C梁中叶至陈为“宫体诗”兴盛时期,代表作家是萧纲、萧绎、徐摛、徐陵、庾肩吾、庾信
4. 谢朓是永明体诗人成就最高者,以山水诗成就最为突出。他的创作主张是“好诗圆美流转如弹丸”。(文学史地位)他是永明体的旗帜,是齐梁诗坛之“首杰”和“冠冕”,他发展了谢灵运开创的山水诗,他所代表的新体诗为唐代律诗的发展奠定了基础。 5. 萧纲提出“立身先须谨慎,文章且须放荡”
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party member
and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\not the more \"red lines\consciously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity6
leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \"two\" lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \"two\" is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \"third revolution\" the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \"Two\" is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the \"two\" is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \"the old way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\" phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \"convincing\" and \"identity\"Behind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \"Two\" is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \"practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \"Giving up\" two \"effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\" to know \"to\" music \el with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \"two learn a do\" in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out \"learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\" learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \"three strict three real\" topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \"three strict three real\" topic education from \"key minority\" to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be 7. 徐陵是梁陈时期著名的骈文作家,《玉台新咏序》为其代表作。
8. 谢惠连和谢庄也是宋代知名的赋作家。谢惠连以《雪赋》最著名,谢庄以《月赋》最著名。
9. 江淹赋今存二十八篇,而最为世人所传诵者,是《别赋》和《恨赋》。 第五章 北朝文学
1. 北魏末至北齐时期,北朝出现了几位比较正统的诗文作家,其中声名较著者有温子昇、邢邵和魏收,号称北地三才
3. 自齐梁之后,南朝散文日衰,而北朝却出现了几部别开生面的散文名著:颜之推《颜氏家训》、郦道元《水经注》、杨衒之《洛阳伽蓝记》。
第六章 南北朝乐府民歌
1. 南朝乐府民歌主要保存在郭茂倩《乐府诗集》中,南朝乐府民歌分为三个部分:一是吴声歌曲;二是神弦曲;三是西歌曲。
2.北朝乐府民歌代表作《木兰诗》、《敕勒歌》、 第七章 魏晋南北朝小说
1. 志怪小说以干宝的《搜神记》成就最高。
2. 以记录人物轶闻琐事为主的轶事小说在魏晋南北朝也颇盛行,今存比较完整的是刘义庆的《世说新语》,它是这一时期轶事小说的代表作。鲁迅在《中国小说史略》称此书为“记言则玄远冷隽,记行则高简瑰奇”。 第八章 魏晋南北朝的文学批评
1. 曹丕的《典论o论文》是我国最早的一篇文学理论批评专著,提出“文以气为主”的观点。
2. 建安到西晋时期最有代表性的文学理论批评文是陆机的《文赋》 3. 刘勰的《文心雕龙》是南朝文学批评专著。
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party member
and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\not the more \"red lines\consciously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity7
leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \"two\" lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \"two\" is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning leaning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \"third revolution\" the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \"Two\" is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the \"two\" is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \"the old way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\" phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \"convincing\" and \"identity\"Behind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \"Two\" is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \"practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \"Giving up\" two \"effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\" to know \"to\" music \el with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \"two learn a do\" in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out \"learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\" learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \"three strict three real\" topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \"three strict three real\" topic education from \"key minority\" to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be第四编 隋唐五代文学 第一章 隋和初唐文学
1. 隋代的代表作家有薛道衡,卢思道,隋唐之际独树一帜的诗人当属王绩。 2宫廷文人:魏征,上官仪,沈佺期,宋之问。沈宋的成就主要是使律诗进一步定型规范化。3.“文章四友”是指李峤、苏味道、崔融、杜审言。其中以杜审言的成就最高,杜审言最善长五律,《诗薮》称他为初盛唐五律之冠。
5. 陈子昂比四杰更明确地批判了齐梁之风,为唐代文学的发展指明了正确方向。他在明确批判了六朝以来“采丽竞繁”,“逶迤颓靡”的不良文风,而且大力提倡汉魏与正始之音,并准确地概括出他们最主要特色:“风骨”与“兴寄”。陈子昂的《感遇》三十八首是模仿阮籍《咏怀》八十二首的。 第二章 盛唐山水田园诗派
1.王维成就最高的是山水田园诗,诗风多样,基调自然优美,清雅冲淡。“诗中有画,画中有诗”其代表作品有:《山居秋暝》、《汉江临泛》、《鹿柴》、《辛夷坞》、《观猎》、《相思》、《送元二使安西》等(书P170-173识记篇名和重点句子) 2. 孟浩然作品主要有《归故园作》、《过故人庄》、《望洞庭湖赠张丞相》、《春晓》等
第三章 盛唐边塞诗派
1.著名的边塞诗人有:高适、岑参、王昌龄、王之涣、崔颢、李颀、王翰等。 2. 王昌龄代表作有《从军行》、《出塞》、《闺怨》、《芙蓉楼送辛渐》等。被称为“七绝圣手”
王之涣代表作有《凉州词》、《登鹳雀楼》等。 李欣代表作有《古意》、《古从军行》。 崔颢代表作有《黄鹤楼》、《赠王威古》。 第四章 李白
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party member
and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\not the more \"red lines\consciously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity8
leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \"two\" lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \"two\" is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \"third revolution\" the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \"Two\" is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the \"two\" is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \"the old way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\" phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \"convincing\" and \"identity\"Behind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \"Two\" is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \"practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \"Giving up\" two \"effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\" to know \"to\" music \el with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \"two learn a do\" in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out \"learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\" learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \"three strict three real\" topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \"three strict three real\" topic education from \"key minority\" to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be 2.李白除律诗稍欠外(五律好),各体皆工。从四言的《诗经》体,到屈赋的“骚体”,到汉魏六朝盛行的乐府体、五七言古体、歌行体,再到初唐以来流行的绝句体、律体,李白都有不少佳作,其中以乐府体、七言歌行体和绝句体成就最高。除屈原外,李白对前代诗人还有广泛师法。他盛赞“蓬莱文章建安骨” 第五章 杜甫
1. 杜甫的诗众体皆备,且众体皆佳。他写乐府绝不沿用旧题,而是“率皆即事名篇,无复依傍”,他自制了许多新题乐府,如《兵车行》、《丽人行》等。杜甫多选用典雅精工的律诗。 第六章 中唐诗歌
1. 中唐诗歌大约有以下几派:
2. 刘长卿以五言诗享誉当时,自诩“五言长城”
3. 孟郊不但生活艰苦,作诗也特别艰难,有如“诗囚”。 前人评孟郊贾岛二人诗有“郊寒岛瘦”之称,这一“寒”字,正是孟郊生活之艰苦与作诗之艰苦叠加出的效果。 4. 贾岛也以苦吟著称,诗风清奇僻苦、瘦硬幽新,作诗刻意于琢磨锻炼,“二句三年得,一吟双泪流”,这也是他的缺点,劣者有句无篇,使诗风流于枯槁寒酸。 5. 李贺也是一个著名的苦吟诗人。他的诗堪称“骚之苗裔”,被后人称为“长吉体” 6. 刘禹锡的诗以豪迈为主要特色,后人称之为“诗豪”
第七章 白居易和新乐府运动
1. 唐代产生了新乐府,首创者即是诗圣杜甫,他“即事名篇,无复依傍”。 对新乐府作出贡献的,杜甫之后,白居易之前主要有元结、顾况等人,与白居易同时的主要有李绅、元稹、张籍、王建等人。
2.名白居易在编定自己的诗集时,将诗分为四类:讽喻、闲适、感伤、杂律。讽谕诗都可以算是新乐府诗。其中《秦中吟》十首和《新乐府五十首》是代表作。 3. 白居易的感伤诗中的两首长篇抒情叙事诗是《长恨歌》和《琵琶行》。
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party member
and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\not the more \"red lines\consciously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity9
leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \"two\" lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \"two\" is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning leaning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \"third revolution\" the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \"Two\" is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the \"two\" is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \"the old way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\" phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \"convincing\" and \"identity\"Behind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \"Two\" is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \"practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \"Giving up\" two \"effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\" to know \"to\" music \el with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \"two learn a do\" in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out \"learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\" learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \"three strict three real\" topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \"three strict three real\" topic education from \"key minority\" to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be 4. 元稹的乐府诗有《田家词》、《织妇词》。抒情诗佳作有《遣悲怀三首》,著名的怀古长诗《连昌宫词》和传奇《莺莺传》
5. 张籍的乐府诗有《野老歌》。王建的乐府诗有《水夫谣》。 第九章 柳宗元和中唐其他家
1. 柳宗元散文成就最高,大体可分为论说、寓言、游记、传记、骚赋五类。柳宗元开创了具有独立意义的山水游记,被后人视为游记之祖。山水游记大多写于永州。柳宗元的诗的总体风格是清朗疏淡、幽峭深婉。苏轼称柳诗:“外枯而中膏,似淡而实美。”“发纤秾于简古,寄至味于淡泊。”(记诗歌篇名 书P312-313)
2. 中唐其他古文家还有欧阳詹、李观、张籍、李翱、皇甫湜、樊宗师、李汉。沈亚之、刘禹锡、吕温、凌淮、权德舆、裴度等。 第十章 晚唐诗文
1. 杜牧的诗,形成了豪爽俊逸、清丽明快的风格特色。他的散文在晚唐也卓然自成一家,《阿房宫赋》是一篇传世佳作。《诗薮》称“俊爽”。
2. 李商隐是中晚唐之际成就最高的诗人。李商隐今存诗六百余首,众体皆备,而尤以七言近体成就为最高。李商隐又师承极广:屈原、阮籍、杜甫、韩愈、李贺、六朝诗、民歌。他是晚唐最有成就的骈文作家。
3.皮日休、聂夷中、杜荀鹤的代表作品。(书P328) 4. 《二十四诗品》是司空图的论诗专著。
5. 陆龟蒙与皮日休齐名,世称“皮陆”。陆龟蒙的小品文颇有成就,均收入其自编的《笠泽丛书》中
6. 罗隐著有《谗书》五卷。 第十一章 唐代传奇
1. 唐传奇就是唐代的文言短篇小说。分为
历史题材,包括陈鸿《长恨歌传》和《东城老父传》;豪侠行义之作,包括杜光庭《虬髯客传》、袁郊《红线传》、裴铏《聂隐娘》和《昆仑奴》、薛调《无双传》; 神仙怪异题材,包括牛僧孺《郭元振》、李复言《李卫公靖》、裴铏《韦自东》。
第十二章 唐代通俗文学
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party member
and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\not the more \"red lines\consciously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity10
leading cadres ' awareness of right in place, study the party Constitution and party rules, series of speeches can make proper effect. Party cadres to \"two\" lead by example, to lead by example we must change our mind, recognizing that \"two\" is important. First, learn the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary can enhance theory. With the \"third revolution\" the rise of rapid changes in our life are feeling, the Communists should adhere to the theory of confidence will continue to learn from the voices of the times, the times, in turn, will have new requirements for leading party cadres. \"Two\" is the most basic meaning of members all mastering the core theory and the most advanced weapons theory, complement the spirit of calcium. Secondly, the Communist Party Constitution Party rules, learning learning series important speech by General Secretary be able to firmly build the ideological foundation. Under the impact of multiple values, the \"two\" is to help cultivate independent judgment in numerous miscellaneous multiple concepts, so that the majority consensus of party members, the important magic weapon of the party with the resonance frequency. Finally, the Constitution of the Communist Party, party rules, learning learning series important speech can stand crowds, General Secretary position. Now, some grass-roots work in the \"the old way didn't work, hard way cannot, the new approach would not\" phenomenon, sometimes due to a mass of party members and cadres not understanding, does not meet. In fact, the mass \"convincing\" and \"identity\"Behind are likely to be party members and leading cadres themselves ignoring beliefs held, resulting in lack of persuasion and sense of identity. \"Two\" is in fact guaranteed party cadres work, an important prerequisite for convincing the masses. Bacon said it well: \"practical men can handle individual matters, but looking at the whole operation globally, but only man can do to knowledge. \"Giving up\" two \"effective, must first raise awareness of leading cadres of party members, as party members learn real responsibility\" to know \"to\" music \el with the ground, do not forget to also answer the antenna, draw catches on meteorology, which sit between heaven and Earth which melds together the dreams of practicing Communist. Members cadres should in \"two learn a do\" in the based post do contribution in all members in the carried out \"learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members\" learning education, this is following party of mass line education practice activities and \"three strict three real\" topic education zhihou, deepening party education of and once important practice, is promoted \"three strict three real\" topic education from \"key minority\" to all members expand, and from concentrated education to regular education extends of important initiatives. Vast numbers of party members and cadres in the course of two, should be 1.通俗诗人:王梵志、寒山、拾得和等。 2.话本就是说话人所依据的底本。 第十三章 唐五代词
1. 中唐以后,韦应物、戴叔伦、张志和、王建、白居易、刘禹锡等人竞相试作,文人填词风气渐开。
2. 温庭筠是中国文学史上第一个以词名家的人,代表作有《菩萨蛮》、《梦江南》、《更漏子》。温庭筠使词真正成为一种独立的文体,开创了真正的文人词的传统。 3. 韦庄词与温庭筠齐名,并称“温韦”。韦庄也是晚唐诗坛上一位重要的诗人,他最杰出的代表作是长篇叙事诗《秦妇吟》,也因此诗而获“秦妇吟秀才”之雅号。 4. 南唐词的主要代表人物是冯延巳和李璟、李煜父子。李璟的代表作是《摊破浣溪沙》。李煜的代表作有《望江南》、《浪淘沙》、《虞美人》、《乌夜啼》等。李煜扩大了词的题材范围,“变伶工之词而为士大夫之词”(王国维),把文人词创作推进到一个新的发展时期。
ased on their actual, striving to be \"learning\" and \"done\" markers. Strengthening theoretical study, belief and faith. Theory is an action guide, only theoretical knowledge in place, to unity, action can consciously. Constitution is the fundamental law of the party, party rules are party must follow the General rules. Studying and implementing the party Constitution Party rules and a series of important speech, General Secretary, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, is a basic work of strengthening the party's construction, but also each and every Communist Party Member's obligations and solemn responsibility. These important content, for each party, must know would believe will do both. WeGeneral Secretary of the party Constitution, a series of remarks with, and hold, grasp the real \"learning\" that basis, based on the Constitution speak to issue, in accordance with the series changed the problem. Second, disciplined in line, to become law-abiding model. Is not no rules. If there is no iron discipline, party member
and cadres will become a mess, it will lose its fighting strength and vitality, purity and naturally much less advanced. By \"two\" education, party members and cadres to keep the \"bottom line\not the more \"red lines\consciously practice the \"three Suns\" and consciously act according to the Constitution, party rules, remains a political force, to perform party oath, a tree of its own image. Three is the loyal, dare to play and play to party members. Learning is the Foundation, is the key to development is the goal. \"Two\" main objective is to let the majority of the play to the exemplary role of party members and cadres, party Constitution, party rules to examine. To use new criteria to guide our behavior. Through education, the ideal and conviction, keep in mind that membership, learn, learn, learn go play a vanguard and exemplary role, the courage to play as, and always maintain the pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, and constantly improve our own capacity and level of service, according to positions and make contributions. Hearts change, lead more strict \"began in the know, know as Luke Skywalker\qualified party members both a starting point and ending point. Party cadres only opinions, Foundation, Constitution Party rules, series to better address outside in shape, \"two\" this is State, leading by example, to lead by example to be qualified party members in the process of doing the deep and solid, higher and more stringent. Jobs with new skills. To be a qualified party member, most basic element is always advanced requirements themselves, using their power to push forward the cause of the party, the people and the nation. Is to the leading cadres of party members, first of all is based on the job, do the people in the heart. There is not a slogan, but aims to better serve the people, targeted efforts to increase the capacity11