Unite 1 P15
1.Your job as a future employee is to help the hiring manager mitigate/alleviate(减轻,降低) that risk.作为一个未来的员工,你的工作是帮助招聘经理降低风险。
2.You need help them identify(认定,认同) you as prospective/expected(预期的,未来的) “key player”.你需要帮助他们认定你有潜力成为一名核心员工。
3.Kelly was outstanding and outshone/surpassed(优于,超过) every other player on the field.凯利非常出色,胜过了球场上所有其他球员。
4.Better still,develop a reputation inside your lab and with people your lab collaborates with as a person who fosters and initiates/originates(发动,创建) collaborations.更为有利的是,要在你实验室内部,以及在和你们实验室合作的人之间,培养一个良好的声誉:一个鼓励并发动合作的人。
5.He is a former scientist who transitioned/transferred(转变,改变) to industry many years ago and then on to a senior management position.他之前是一名科学家,许多年前他转向了企业,并一直做到高级经理的职位。
6.The unions mobilized/organized(组织) thousands of workers in a protest(抗议,游行) against the cuts.协合会组织了一场数以千计的工人游行来抗议裁员。
7.This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions/beliefs(信念). act on ones convictions 按某人的想法行事。
8.His speech was made with such great ambiguity/vagueness(不清楚) that neither supporter nor opponent(反对者) could be certain of his true position.他的演讲有许多疑点,既没有支持者也没有反对者来肯定他的立场。
9.The scientist who is transitioning into the business world must prioritize(优先处理) his or her relationship assets/advantages(资源,优势) above their technical assets.想转行到企业界的科学家们必须优先考虑他们的社会关系资源而不是技术资源。
10.This approach, combined with a liberal(开明的) use of the pronoun “we” and not just ”I”when describing your accomplishments(业绩), can change the company’s perception/impression(看法,印象) of you from a lone wolf to a selfless collaborator.这个方法,加上你在描述业绩是开明的使用代词“我们”而不是“我”,能使公司对你的看法从“单干户”转变成“合作者”。 11.I’m trying to foster/encourage(培养,鼓励) an interest in classical music in my children.我尝试着培养孩子在古典音乐上的兴趣。
12.A German company collaborated/cooperated(合作) with a Swiss firm(公司) to develop the product.一个德国公司和一个瑞士公司合作开发的产品。 P17
The independence-versus-interdependence issue has been written about regularly and is often introduced as the major issue separating the two worlds of scientific employment: academic and industrial. For decades, academia has paid lip service to the idea of collaboration, but the incentive-and-reward system has been slow to adjust . Despite the widespread interest in collaboration and its obvious value in an academic setting , collaboration remains informal and is actually discourage by the tenure process, in which scholars are penalized for sharing credit for 精品文档
their work with others.
Large-scale academic collaboration has taken place successfully in the past; the Manhattan Project and contemporaneous radar research, and numerous experimental particle projects, to cite just a few examples, are not perhaps academic in the purest sense, but they demonstrate that academic scientists can play well with others. More recently, new systems biology studies are bringing a sense of teamwork into academic life science labs, but there have been some growing pains. Still, in most of academic science— including the life science— the lone wolf still rules.
过去已经发生过成功的大规模的学术合作;曼哈顿计划和当时雷达的研究,以及众多的实验粒子项目,仅举几个例子也许不是纯粹意义上的学者,但他们证明,学术科学家可以与其他人合作得很好。最近,新的系统生物学的研究使团队合作的意识进入学术生命科学实验室,但也出现了一些发展上的问题。不过,在大多数学术科学 - 包括生命科学仍以单干者主。
Unit 2 Cuisine in China is a harmonious integration of color, taste, shape and fragrance. For the cooking process, chefs pick choice and varied ingredients and seasonings and employ the unparalleled and complicated skills handed down from their fathers, always aspiring to their ideal of perfection for all the senses. Among the many cooking methods they use are boiling, stewing, braising, frying, steaming , crisping, baking, simmering. When they finish their masterpieces they are arranged on a variety of plates and dishes so that they are a real pleasure to view, to smell and ultimately to savor . The facility to partake of these delights is also distinctive—chopsticks! To see even the smallest child eat with such dexterity is quite amazing for many foreigners. The use of two simple sticks in this way is an art in itself and chopsticks have determined the way in which Chinese food is presented at the table.
中国菜是色彩、口味、形状和香味的和谐统一。在烹饪的过程中,厨师们会挑选各种各样的原料和调料,并运用他们父辈们所传授的无与伦比的、复杂的技巧,总是追求完美的理想。在许多烹饪方法中,他们用的是煮、炖、炖、煎、蒸、脆、烤、煨。当他们完成他们的杰作时,他们会被安排在各种各样的盘子和盘子里,这样他们就能真正地欣赏、闻到并最终品尝。享受这些乐趣的设施也是独特的筷子!看到哪怕是最小的孩子吃得这么灵巧,对许多外国人来说都是相当惊人的。使用两根简单的筷子本身就是一种艺术,筷子已经决定了餐桌上中国食物的展示方式。 Unit 3
哈利没有回答,只是假装专心地看着明天魔咒课前需要预习的书(《第五元素:一些探索》)(译注:第五元素是古代和中世纪哲学家认为除了土、空气、火和水四大基本元素以外的第五种元素,也是最高的精髓,被认为是天体的组成物质并潜伏于所有事物之中)。他决心两边都不得罪,所以许多时间里都默不做声。 Unite 4
P107 1.
2.Although such a statement may seem self-centered(自我为中心的), it’s actually(实际上) quite insightful/perceptive(富有洞察力的).虽然这样的话听起来似乎有些以自我为中心,实际上却是相当有见地。 3.
4.Among other things, people who like themselves are more open to criticism(批评) and less demanding of/exacting of others.从别的方面来说,自我喜欢的人更乐于接受批评,对别人的要求也不那么苛刻。
5.It can be romantic, exciting, obsessive/compulsive(令人着迷的), and irrational.它可能是浪漫的,令人激动的,让人着迷的,或者是不理智的。 6.
7.And, people who say they are “in love” emphasize caring, intimacy, and commitment/fidelity(忠诚,忠心).而且,说自己“处于恋爱中”的人们重视相互之间的关心、亲密和忠诚。
8.In any type of love , caring about the other person is essential. Although love may involve passionate(激情的) yearning/desire(渴望), respect is a more important quality.不管是哪种类型的爱,关心另一方是非常必要的。虽然爱可能包含激情的渴望,然而相互尊重才是最重要的品质。
9.Instead, it is an unhealthy or possessive/jealous(占有欲) dependency(依赖) that limits the loves’ social, emotional, and intellectual growth.反而成为一种不健康的或者是具有占有欲的依赖,而这会限制爱的双方在社会、情感和智力方面的发展。
10.This misconceptions(误解) often lead to unrealistic(不现实的) expectations(期望), stereotypes(固定模式), and disillusionment/disenchantment(幻觉破灭).这些误解常常会导致不现实的期望、固定模式和幻觉破灭。 11. 精品文档
12.It means paying bills, putting out the garbage, scrubbing toilet bowls, being up all night with a sick baby, and performing myriad/numerous(各种各样的,数不清的) other “oatmeal”tasks that are not very sexy.它是付账单,倒垃圾,刷马桶,孩子生病时守夜,以及完成其他各种各样不那么性感的“搅拌燕麦粥”的任务。
13.Even during the preteen years, romantic experiences are cultured in the sense that societal and group practices and expectations shape/form(塑造) romantic experience.甚至在13岁之前,请感经历就有社会和群体的活动和期望所决定和培养起来了。 14.
15.Once desire diminishes, disappointed loves may wonder where the “spark” in their relationship has gone and may reminisce/recall(回忆) regretfully (and longingly) about “the good old days”.一旦欲望消失了,失望的恋人就会诧异原来他们关系中的“火花”去哪了,他们可能会很遗憾的(而且渴望地)怀念“过去的美好时光”。 P109 task3
If we look at love in other countries and cultures, we find many variations. In societies like India love is not necessarily a(n) prerequisite for marriage. Even highly educated Indian men and women who date non-Indians while living in Western countries often consent to arranged marriages. Respect for parent’ wishes, family traditions, and duty to the kin group are more important than love. Most middle- and upper-middle class women in India can marry whomever they want. Many, however, prefer arranged marriages and have veto power over undesirable candidates. Arranged marriages are attractive because they offer more stability than love. According to one highly educated woman in Calcutta who has been happily married for three years to a man she had met just three times before their engagement, love isn’t essential for marital happiness:”I met a lot of people I liked, but no one was suitable for marriage, because I was looking for practicality also. Love is important, but it’s not sufficient”