1. 我是李华,学生会主席。
2. 我写信邀请你担任下个月举行的比赛的评委。
3. 该比赛旨在阅读古典英语作品,旨在激发学生的阅读兴趣。
4. 根据要求,想要参加的学生应在截止日期前提交英文图书报告。
5. 此外,三名评委将讨论并决定最终的裁决。
6. 非常感谢您接受了我的邀请。期待着你的回复。
7. 我写这封信是为了告诉你,帕特里克在学校打篮球时受伤了。
8. 他昨天在带球时扭伤了右手腕。
9. 他扭伤的手腕和一些手指肿胀,尽管他立即接受了冰的治疗。
10. 我们社区诊所的医生建议他暂时不要弯曲它们。
11. 他在接受了一些治疗后的三天内就能康复了。
12. 所以你不必太担心,因为我们会陪伴他,必要时照顾他。
13. 在今天的治疗结束后,我会让他给你打电话的。
14. 俗话说,“生活就在运动之中。”
15. 所以国家健身具有深远的意义。
16. 只有我们有强壮的身体,才能过健康的生活,为社会服务。
17. 立即采取行动是值得的。
18. 首先,我们可以制定一个定期锻炼的计划。
19. 接下来,我们可以从慢跑和徒步旅行开始,当然,这对我们的健康很有益。
20. 最后但并非最不重要的是,更多地参与到我们周围的体育活动中来。
21. 请记住,我们现在所做的事情将会对未来产生改变。
22. 让我们一起努力解决吧!
23. 我很高兴收到你的信,而且我知道你已经被牛津大学录取了。
24. 我写信是为了表示最热烈的祝贺。
25. 我现在正在申请大学,正在努力选择哪个专业。
26. 我是一名理科学生,所以我应该选择科学和工程相关的专业。
27. 但问题是,我不确定我的兴趣在哪里,哪些专业有光明的前景,可以确保我找到一份好工作。
28. 你对选择一个专业有什么建议吗?
29. 如果你能和我分享你的意见,我会不胜感激的。
30. 我的一个朋友最近对我说了句话。
1. I’m Li Hua, Chairman of Students’ Union.
2. I’m writing to invite you to be the judge of our competition to be held next month.
3. Aimed at reading classical English works, the competition is meant to arouse students’ reading interest.
4. As requested, the students who want to participate in it should submit a book report in English before the deadline.
5. Besides, three judges will discuss and make decisions for the final awards.
6. Your acceptance of my invitation is highly appreciated. Looking forward to your reply.
7. I am writing the letter to tell you that Patrick was hurt at school when playing basketball.
8. He sprained his right wrist when he was dribbling the basketball yesterday.
9. His sprained wrist and some fingers became swollen though he was treated with ice immediately.
10. The doctor in our community clinic advised him not to bend them for the time being .
11. He would recover in three days after some medical treatment.
12. So you needn’t worry about it too much for we will keep him company and attend to him whenever necessary.
13. I’ll let him call you after today’s treatment is over.
14. As a saying goes, “Life lies in movement.”
15. So national fitness has far-reaching significance.
16. Only when we have a strong body can we lead a healthy life and serve
the society.
17. It pays to take immediate action.
18. First of all, we can draw up a plan to exercise regularly.
19. Next, we can begin with jogging and hiking, which, of course, benefit our health a lot.
20. Last but not least, get more involved in physical activities around us.
21. Remember, what we do right now will make a difference in the future.
22. Let’s work out together!
23. I’m glad to receive your letter and know you’ve been admitted to the University of Oxford.
24. I’m writing to offer my warmest congratulations.
25. I am now in the process of university application, struggling with which major to choose.
26. I’m a science student in high school, so I am supposed to choose majors related to science and engineering.
27. But the problems are that I’m not sure where my interest lies and which majors have a bright prospect that can ensure me a good job.
28. Do you have any suggestions on the choice of a major?
29. I would appreciate it if you could share your opinions with me.
30. A friend of mine recently said something nice to me.