V ASP自旋轨道耦合计算错误汇总 静态计算时,报错:
VERY BAD NEWS! Internal内部error in subroutine子程序IBZKPT:
Reciprocal倒数的lattice and k-lattice belong to different class of lattices. Often results are still useful (48)
错误:sub space matrix类错误
报错:静态和能带计算中出现警告:W ARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian共轭in DA V
WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 4 -4.681828688433112E-002
WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in rmm -3.00000000000000
RMM: 22 -0.167633596124E+02 -0.57393E+00 -0.44312E-01 1326 0.221E+00BRMIX:
very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 28.00003 new 28.06093 0.111E+00
WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in rmm -
ERROR FEXCP: supplied Exchange-correletion table is too small, maximal index : 4794
WARNING in EDDIAG: sub space matrix is not hermitian 1 -0.199E+01
-0.14220E+00 718 0.261E-01
BRMIX: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 56.00230 new 124.70394 66 F= 0.17936658E+01 E0= 0.18295246E+01 d E =0.557217E-02
curvature: 0.00 expect dE= 0.000E+00 dE for cont linesearch 0.000E+00
ZBRENT: fatal error in bracketing
please rerun with smaller EDIFF, or copy CONTCAR to POSCAR and continue
WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 1 -7.626640664998020E-003
对策1:减小POTIM: IBRION=0,标准分子动力学模拟。通过POTIM控制步长。
对策2:改IBRION=1,采用准牛顿算法来优化原子的位置。 原IBRION=2,采用共轭梯度算法来优化原子的位置 对策3:修改ISMEAR
对策4:换成CG 弛豫(共轭梯度算法)IBRION=2 (决定结构优化过程中,原子如何移动或弛豫)
IBRION=2 离子是否运动,1不运动但做NSW外循环。0动力学模拟,1准牛顿法离子弛豫
2 CG法离子弛豫,
3 采用衰减二阶运动方程离子弛豫, INCARrelax中设置IBRION=2,未解决!
对策5:用的CG算符,出现的错误是CG算符不能算,在INCAR中加上IALG=Fast(电子优化采用blocked Davidson
方法[IALGO=38 : IALG=Normal]和RMM-DIIS算法[IALGO=48 : IALG=Very_Fast]混合)试一试IALG=Fast (两种方法混用)
IALG=Very_Fast (等价于IALGO=48) IALG=Normal (等价于IALGO=38)
INCAR中加上IALG=Fast 已解决!(1QL、2QL已解决,3QL以上未解决)
V ASP FORUM: the error is due to a LAPCK call (ZHEGV): ZHEGV computes all the eigenvalues本征值, and optionally随意地, the eigenvectors of a complex generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem .
there may be several reasons for that error:
1) the RMM-DIIS diagonalisation algorithm is not stable for your specific setup of the calculation. --> use ALGO = Normal (blocked Davidson) or ALGO = Fast (5 steps blocked Davidson, RMM-DIIS)
用ALGO=Normal IALGO=48 或者ALGO=Fast 2)
a) maybe your input geometry was not reasonable (error
occurs at the very first ionic step, please have a look for the geometry data of your run in OUTCAR ) or
b) the last ionic relaxation step lead to an unreasonable geometry (compare the input and output geometries of the last ionic relaxation steps in XDA TCAR).
In that case (2b) it can be helpful to --> switch to a different relaxation algorithm (IBRION-tag) --> reduce the step size of the first step by setting POTIM smaller than the default value
3) The installation of the LAPACK on your machine was not done properly: use the LAPACK which is delivered with the code (vasp.4.lib/lapack_double.o)
4) If the error persist although you switched to the Davidson algorithm: on some architectures (especially SGI) some LAPACK routines are not working properly. However, it is possible to avoid the usage of the ZHEGV subroutine by commenting the line #define USE_ZHEEVX in davidson.F, subrot.F, and wavpre_noio.F and recompiling V ASP.
关于Mixing方法的调试: 针对这类错误:
DA V: 13 -0.242323773333E+03 0.98155E+02 -0.87140E+01 48832 0.949E+01BRMIX: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 252.00012 new 252.29979 0.809E+01
W ARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 9 0.133520549894753
解决办法只需调整 AMIX, BMIX的值,把他们设置小一些。 Mixing方法:
IMIX=type of mixing混合、混频,AMIX=linear mixing
parameter,AMIN=minimal mixing parameter,
scheme,AMIX_MAG=linear mixing parameter for magnetization,
BMIX_MAG=cutoff wave vector for Kerker mixing scheme for mag, WC=weight factor for each step in Broyden mixing scheme,
INIMIX=type of initial for each step in Broyden mixing scheme, MIXPRE=type of preconditioning in Broyden mixing scheme,
MAXMIX=maximum number steps stored in Broyden mixer. 一般采用其默认值,除非在电子迭代难以收敛的情况,才手动设置AMIX和BMIX等参数值。】
对策:grep AMIX OUTCAR AMIX = 0.40; BMIX = 1.00
AMIX_MAG = 1.60; BMIX_MAG = 1.00
initial mixing is a Kerker type mixing with AMIX = 0.4000 and BMIX = 1.0000
AMIX =0.0100;BMIX =0.0001 AMIX = 0.01; BMIX = 0.00 计算无误
AMIX = 0.1000;BMIX = 0.0010 AMIX = 0.10; BMIX = 0.00 计算无误
AMIX =0.20; BMIX = 0.01 AMIX =0.20; BMIX = 0.01 计算无误 AMIX=0.2、BMIX=0.001 AMIX=0.2、BMIX=0.001 计算无误 AMIX=0.3、BMIX=0.1 AMIX=0.3、BMIX=0.1 计算无误 AMIX=0.4 AMIX = 0.40; BMIX = 1.00 静态log: WARNING in EDDRMM: call to
ZHEGV failed, returncode = 6 3 **,能带 一样
AMIX=0.02 AMIX = 0.02; BMIX = 1.00 计算无误
AMIX=0.1 AMIX = 0.10; BMIX = 1.00 静态log: WARNING in EDDRMM: call to
ZHEGV failed, returncode = 6 3 **,能带 一样
AMIX=0.3 AMIX = 0.30; BMIX = 1.00 静态log: WARNING in EDDRMM: call to
ZHEGV failed, returncode = 6 3 **,能带 一样
BMIX=0.0001 AMIX = 0.40; BMIX = 0.00 计算无误 以上参数设置,得到的能带图都一样,如下图:
'small supercell' and for smaller cells it is recommended to use the reciprocal-space projection scheme! The real space optimization is not efficient for small cells and it is also less accurate ... Therefore set LREAL=.FALSE. in the INCAR file
对于1QL 2QL 3QL原子数分别为5、10、15,LREAL=.False. 对于4QL 5QL 6QL原子数分别为20、25、30,LREAL=Auto 自旋轨道耦合计算时,静态和能带计算中出现的错误:
ERROR: non collinear calculations require that V ASP is compiled without the flag -DNGXhalf and -DNGZhalf
分析:V ASP手册中关于自旋轨道耦合计算的描述(翻译版):
非线性计算和自旋轨道耦合:旋量是由Georg Kresse 在V ASP 代码中引入的。这个代码是由David Hobbs 编写,用于处理非线性磁结构。自旋轨道耦合计算是由Olivier Lebacq and Georg Kresse 共同实现的。只有V ASP4.5以上的版本才支持旋量的计算。
在INCAR 中设置LNONCOLLINEAR=.TRUE.允许执行完全非线性磁结构的计算。V ASP 有能力读入之前非磁或非线性计算得到的W A VECAR 和 CHGCAR 文件,然而它不可能扭转局域在指定原子处的磁场。 因此在实际操作中,我们推荐分两步执行非线性计算:
第一步,计算计算非磁性基态,产生W A VECAR 和CHGCAR 文件。
第二步,读入W A VECAR 和CHGCAR 文件,通过设置MAGMOM 参数,提供初始的磁矩。对于非线性设置,在MAGMOM 这一行,每个离子必须设置三个值。这三项分别对应每个离子在x,y,z 方向的初始局域磁矩值。 MAGMOM = 1 0 0 0 1 0
这一行,给第一个原子赋予的初始磁矩值沿x 方向,第二个原子的初始磁矩值沿y 方向。
注意:只有在 ICHARG=2(即不读入之前CHGCAR 的情况)或者CHGCAR 文件中只包含电荷但是不包括磁密度数据的情况(即之前那一步进行了非磁的计算)下,才需要通过MAGMOM 设定初始磁矩值。 LSORBIT-tag Supported as of V ASP.4.5.
【设置LSORBIT=.TRUE.表示计算自旋轨道耦合,并附带自动设置了LNONCOLLINEAR= .TRUE.】
LSORBIT=.TRUE.只能用于PAW 赝势,不能用于超软赝势。如果不考虑自选轨道耦合,则能量不依赖磁矩的方向,也就是说,旋转所有的磁矩以同一个角度,让它们拥有相等的能量。不考虑自选轨道耦合的时候,不需要定义自旋量子化坐标。开启自旋轨道耦合设置以下参数: LSORBIT = .TRUE.
SAXIS = s_x s_y s_z ( 自旋量子化轴,默认值 SAXIS= (0+,0,1)) GGA_COMPA T = .FALSE. ! 应用球面截断能到梯度场
其中SAXIS 默认= (0+,0,1)(0+表示沿x 轴方向一个无穷小的正
数)。当需要计算亚meV 能量尺度的微小能量差异(一般指磁各向异性计算的情况)时,需要设置GGA_COMPA T 这个参数。现在所有关于坐标轴 (Sx,Sy,Sz)的磁矩都给出来了,我们采用V ASP 中给出关于这个坐标轴所有磁矩和自旋状量子读写惯例。
这包括INCAR 文件中的MAGMOM 行,OUTCAR 和PROCAR 文件中的总和局域磁矩,W A VECAR 文件中的类自旋轨道,CHGCAR 文件中的磁密度。笛卡尔坐标系中的磁分量由以下等式得到:
axis z
axis x z axis z
axis y x y axis z axis y axis x x m m m m m m m m m m m )cos()sin()sin()sin()cos()sin()cos()cos(*)sin()sin()cos()cos(ββαβααβαβααβ+-=++=+-=
其中,maxis 是外部可见的磁矩值,此处的α是SAXIS 矢量(sx, sy, sz)和笛卡尔坐标x 轴的夹角,β是SAXIS 矢量和笛
卡尔坐标z 轴的夹角, z y x x
y s s s a s s a | |tan ,tan 2
2+==βα, 以下等式得到逆变化: z y x axis y x axis z
y x axis m m m m m m m m m m m z y
x )cos()sin()sin()cos()sin()cos()sin()sin()sin()cos()cos()cos(βαβαβααβαβαβ++=+-=++=
不难看出,默认值(sx, sy, sz) = (0+,0,1),两个角度都是0,即β=0和α=0。在这种情况下,内部转换简单地等于外部地转换:
axis z
z axis y y axis x x m m m m m m ===,,,第二种重要的情况,是
0=axis x m 和0=axis y
m ,在这种情况下: 2 222
22/)(cos /)cos(*)sin(z y x z axis z axis x z y z
y z axis z axis z x s s s s m m m m s s s s m m m x ++=== ++==βαβ
因此现在磁矩是平行于SAXIS 矢量。这样有两种方式去旋转自旋到任意方向,即通过改变初始的磁矩MAGMOM 或改
变SAXIS。为了给计算赋予平行于一个选定的矢量(x,y,z)的初始磁矩,可以通过设定(假定是单原子原胞):MAGMOM = x y z !局域磁矩x y z
SAXIS = 0 0 1 ! 量子轴平行于z轴 或者
MAGMOM = 0 0 total_magnetic_moment ! 局域磁矩平行于SAXIS
SAXIS = x y z ! 量子轴平行于矢量(x,y,z)
两种设置都必须在相同能量的标准/辐射(原则、根源)场,但是要实现第二种方法,通常更加精确。第二种方法,也允许读入之前存在的W A VECAR文件(由线性计算还是非线性计算产生的都可以),然后继续用一个不同的自旋方向计算。当读入一个非线性W A VECAR文件,自旋假定平行于SAXIS(因此V ASP将仅仅输出一个z轴方向的磁矩)。推荐计算磁各项异性的步骤如下:
先做线性计算,得到一个W A VECAR和CHGCAR文件。 加入以下参数:
ICHARG = 11 ! 非自洽计算, 读入CHGCAR
LMAXMIX = 4 ! 对于d电子元素设置LMAXMIX=4, f电子元素设置LMAXMIX = 6
! 在线性计算中,需要设置LMAXMIX SAXIS = x y z ! 磁场的方向 NBANDS = 2 * 线性计算能带数
GGA_COMPA T = .FALSE. ! 在梯度场中应用球面截断能 V ASP读入WA VECAR和CHGCAR文件,将自旋量子轴对齐SAXIS矢量,这意味着现在磁场平行于SAXIS矢量,执行非线性计算。通过比较不同方向的能量,可以确定磁各向异性。请记住,原则上,在V ASP中一个完全地自洽计算(ICHARG=1)也是有可能的,但是这种情况将会允许自旋波函数从它们的初始值旋转到平行于SAXIS矢量,直到获得正确的基态,也就是,直到磁矩平行于易磁化轴。实际操作中,这种旋转非常缓慢,直到自旋获得少量能量重新定位。因此,如果收敛标准太精确,完全地自洽计算可以得到一个比较合理的结果(我们实验过的几种自洽计算都没有问题。)要非常小心对称性。我们建议选择计算自旋轨道耦合时,完全关掉对称性(ISYM=0)。通常会从一个自旋方向到另一个自旋方向k点的设置会发生改变,进而恶化转换的结果(如果k点改变WA VECAR将不会被正确地重新读取)。GGA_COMPA T 通常需要,应该被设置,因为磁各向异性能量通常需要精确到亚meV数量级。
当计算自旋轨道耦合,特别是磁各向异性时通常需要非常小心:能量差异非常小,k点的收敛冗长而且缓慢,需要耗费大量的计算时间。此外,这一特征--尽管长期存在于V ASP中--在最新的版本中依然存在,你可以尝试频繁地升级发现这一点。不敢保证,你的结果是有用的!此处根据README文件做了一个小小的总结:
20.11.2003: 提出的GGA程序轻微的破坏了非正交体系晶胞的对称型。球面截断能应用于梯度及互逆空间中的所有中间结果。GGA引起的轻微的改变(通常每个原子0.1 meV),却对磁各项异性很重要。
05.12.2003: 继续...现在V ASP.4.6默认旧的行为GGA_COMPA T=.TRUE.,新的行为将可以通过在INACR中设置GGA_COMPA T=.FALSE.得到。
12.08.2003: 主要的错误出现在symmetry.F 和paw.F:非线性计算的对称性例程没有正确的执行。
如果你阅读了以上内容,就会意识到在V ASP.4.6和V ASP.5.2版本中进行非线性计算推荐设置GGA_COMPA T=.FALSE.,这样可以提升GGA计算的数值精度。
VASP: Non-collinear calculations and spin orbit coupling : Spinors旋量were included by Georg Kresse in the VASP code. The code required for the treatment处理of non-collinear magnetic structures was written by David Hobbs, and spin-orbit coupling was implemented实施、执行by Olivier Lebacq and Georg Kresse. Spinors are only supported as of VASP.4.5. Subsections:分段、子章节、下一级栏目
LNONCOLLINEAR-tag Supported支持as of VASP.4.5.
Setting LNONCOLLINEAR=.TRUE. in the INCAR file allows to perform fully non-collinear magnetic structure calculations.
VASP is capable 有能力的 of reading WAVECAR and CHGCAR files from previous 之前的 non-magnetic 非磁 or collinear 线性 calculations, it is however not possible to rotate 旋转、转动 the magnetic field locally on selected atoms. Hence 因此, in practice 在实践中, we recommend 推荐 to perform non-collinear calculations in two steps: First, calculate the non magnetic groundstate 基态 and generate a W A VECAR and CHGCAR file.
Second, read the W A VECAR and CHGCAR file, and supply 提供 initial magnetic moments by means of the MAGMOM tag (compare Sec. 6.13). For a non-collinear setup, three values must be supplied for each ion in the MAGMOM line. The three entries
correspond to the initial local magnetic moment for each ion in x, y and z direction respectively. The line MAGMOM = 1 0 0 0 1 0
Initialises 赋初值 the magnetic moment on the first atom in the x-direction, and on the second atom in the y direction. Mind, that the MAGMOM line supplies initial magnetic moments only if ICHARG=2, or if the CHGCAR file contains only charge but no magnetisation density.
LSORBIT=.TRUE. Switches 接通、开启 on spin-orbit coupling and automatically sets LNONCOLLINEAR= .TRUE.. This option 选项、选择 works only for PAW potentials and is not supported for ultrasoft pseudopotentials. If spin-orbit coupling is not included, the energy does not depend on 依赖 the direction of the magnetic moment, i.e.也就是说 rotating 旋转 all magnetic moments 磁矩 by the same angle results exactly in the same energy. Hence 因此 there is no need to define the spin quantization axis 自旋量子化坐标轴, as long as 只要 spin-orbit coupling is not included. Spin-orbit coupling, however, couples 一对、一双 the spin to the crystal structure. Spin orbit coupling is switched on 开启 by selecting LSORBIT = .TRUE.
SAXIS = s_x s_y s_z (quantisation axis for spin 自旋量子化轴) GGA_COMPAT = .FALSE. ! apply spherical 球面 cutoff 截断能 on gradient field 梯度场
where the default for SAXIS= (0+,0,1)(the notation 符号 0+ implies 意味着 an infinitesimal 无穷小 small positive number in
direction). The flag GGA_COMPAT (see Sec. 6.42) is optional 选项 and should be set when small energy differences in the sub 副、下标 meV regime 体制、状态 need to be calculated (often the case for magnetic anisotropy calculations 磁各向异性计算). All magnetic moments are now given with respect to 关于 the axis
坐标轴 (S x ,S y ,S z ), where we have adopted 应用 the convention 惯例 that all magnetic moments and spinor-like quantities written or read by VASP are given with respect to this axis .
This includes the MAGMOM line in the INCAR file, the total and local magnetizations in the OUTCAR and PROCAR file, the spinor 自旋量-like orbitals in the WAVECAR file, and the magnetization density in the CHGCAR file. With respect to the cartesian 笛卡尔 lattice vectors the components 组件、部分 of the magnetization are (internally 内部地、内在的) given by
axis z
axis x z axis z axis y x y axis z axis y axis x x m m m m m m m m
Where m axis is the externally 外部地 visible 可得到的,现有的,可见的 magnetic moment. Here, α is the angle between the SAXIS vector (s x , s y , s z ) and the cartesian vector
, and β is the angle between the vector SAXIS and the cartesian vector z ?: z
y x x
y s s s a s s a ||tan ,tan 2 2+==βα
The inverse 倒转、翻转 transformation 转化、转换 is given by z y x axis y x axis z
y x axis m m m m m m m m m m m z y
x )cos()sin()sin()cos()sin()cos()sin()sin()sin()cos()cos()cos(βαβ
m )cos()sin()sin()sin()cos()sin()cos()cos(*)sin()sin()cos()cos(ββαβα
It is easy to see that for the default (s x , s y , s z ) = (0+,0,1), both angles are zero, i.e. β=0 and α=0. In this case, the internal representation is simply equivalent to the external representation: axis z z axis y y axis x x m m m m m m ===,,
The second important case, is 0=axis x m and 0=axis y m . In this case 2 222
22/)(cos /)cos(*)sin(z y x z axis z axis x z y z
y z axis z axis z x s s s s m m m m s s s s m m m x ++=== ++==βαβ
Hence 因此、今后 now the magnetic moment is parallel to the vector SAXIS. Thus there are two ways to rotate the spins in an arbitrary 任意的 direction, either by changing the initial magnetic moments MAGMOM or by changing SAXIS. To initialise calculations with the magnetic moment parallel to a chosen vector (x,y,z), it is therefore 因此 possible to either specify 指定 (assuming 假定、假设 a single atom in the cell) MAGMOM = x y z ! local magnetic moment in x,y,z SAXIS = 0 0 1 ! quantisation axis parallel to z or
MAGMOM = 0 0 total_magnetic_moment ! local magnetic moment parallel to SAXIS SAXIS = x y z ! quantisation axis parallel to vector (x,y,z)
Both setups should in principle yield exactly the same energy, but for implementation 实现 reasons the second method is usually more precise 精确. The second method also allows to read a preexisting WAVECAR file (from a collinear or non collinear run), and to continue the calculation with a different spin orientation. When a non collinear WAVECAR file is read, the spin is assumed
假定 to be parallel to SAXIS (hence 因此 VASP will initially report a magnetic moment in the z-direction only). The recommended 被推荐的 procedure 过程、步骤 for the calculation of magnetic anisotropies is therefore 因而、表示结果 (please check the section on LMAXMIX 6.63):
Start with a collinear calculation and calculate a W A VECAR and CHGCAR file. ?
Add the tags LSORBIT = .TRUE.
ICHARG = 11 ! non selfconsistent run, read CHGCAR LMAXMIX = 4 ! for d elements increase LMAXMIX to 4, f: LMAXMIX = 6 ! you need to set LMAXMIX already in the collinear calculation SAXIS = x y z ! direction of the magnetic field NBANDS = 2 * number of bands of collinear run
GGA_COMPAT = .FALSE. ! apply spherical cutoff on gradient field
V ASP reads in the W A VECAR and CHGCAR files, aligns 排列 the spin quantization axis parallel to SAXIS, which implies 意味着 that the magnetic field is now parallel to SAXIS, and performs a non selfconsistent calculation. By comparing the energies for different orientations the magnetic anisotropy can be determined 确定. Please mind, that a completely selfconsistent calculation (ICHARG=1) is in principle 大体上、原则上 also possible with V ASP, but this would allow the the spinor wavefunctions to rotate from their initial orientation parallel to SAXIS until the correct groundstate is obtained, i.e. until the magnetic moment is parallel to the easy axis (?=the easy magnetic axis ). In practice this rotation will be slow, since reorientation 再定位 of the spin gains 获得 little energy. Therefore if the convergence 收敛 criterion 标准 is not too tight, sensible 明
智的 results might be obtained even for fully selfconsistent calculations (in the few cases we have tried 可靠地,试验过的 selfconsistentcy worked without problems).
Be very careful with symmetry. We recommend 建议 to switch off 关掉 symmetry (ISYM=0) altogether 完全地, when spin orbit coupling is selected. Often the k-point set changes from one to the other spin orientation, worsening 恶化 the transferability of the results (also the W A VECAR file can not be reread properly 正确地 if the number of k-points changes). The flag GGA_COMPA T is usually required and should be set, since magnetic anisotropy energies are often in the sub meV regime (see Sec. 6.42).
Generally be extremely 非常 careful, when using spin orbit coupling and, specifically 特别地, magnetic anisotropies: energy differences are tiny 微小的, k-point convergence 收敛 is tedious 冗长乏味 and slow, and the computer time might be huge.
Additionally此外, this feature这一特征-- although long implemented应用in V ASP-- is still in a late beta stage, as you might deduce from推断,从...得出结论the frequent频繁的updates升级、更新. No promise允诺, that your results will be useful! Here is a small summary总结from the README file:
20.11.2003: The present提出GGA routine程序breaks the symmetry slightly轻微地for non orthorhombic正交晶系cells. A spherical球面的cutoff is now imposed on应用于the gradients and all intermediate中间的results in reciprocal互逆space. This changes the GGA results slightly (usually by 0.1 meV per atom), but is important for magnetic anisotropies.
05.12.2003: continue... Now V ASP.4.6 defaults to the old behavior GGA_COMPA T=.TRUE., the new behavior can be obtained by setting GGA_COMPA T=.FALSE. in the INCAR file.
12.08.2003: MAJOR主要的BUG故障FIX固定in symmetry.F
and paw.F: for non-collinear calculations the symmetry routines惯例did not work properly正确地
If you have read the previous lines, you will realize that it is recommended推荐to set GGA_COMPA T=.FALSE. for non collinear calculations in V ASP.4.6 and V ASP.5.2, since this improves the numerical precision of GGA calculations.
BSc:Bachelor of Science理科学士MD MS:master硕士PhD:Doctor of Philosophy 博士学位
AA Associate degree of Arts大专文科学位AAS Associate degree of Arts and Science大专文理科学位
AS Associate degree of Science大专理科学位BA Bachelor of Arts 文科本科学位
BS Bachelor of Science理科本科学位MA Master of Arts 文科硕士
MBA Master of Business Administration 商学硕士MS Master of Science理科硕士
Ph.D. Doctor of Phiolosphy 哲学(通才)博士JD Doctor of Journalism 新闻博士
MD Doctor of Medicine 医学博士DVM Doctor of Veterinry 兽医博士
Call to ZHEGV failed
Error EDDDA V: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 13 1 8 The earlier solution suggested by admin(DOS操作系统中,超级管理员。行政、管理)(suppressing制止的the line #define USE_ZHEEVX in davidson.F, subrot.F, and wavpre_noio.F and recompiling V ASP) does not work, i.e. the same error messages, and the same indication迹象、表示of ZHEGV failure, still appear出现. I may add now that the problem appears both with the lapack which comes with V ASP and with a system-native lapack
library. The warnings given suggest that the problem actually appears at an earlier stage阶段, in which a matrix is generated with inadequate不适当的values which make it nonhermitian, and consequently ZHEGV fails even if working correctly; the solution thus would not be to avoid using ZHEGV, but to avoid an incorrect generation of the said matrix. Can someone give an idea to really solve the problem?
答:Please try if it works by adding \"LSCALAPACK = .FALSE.\" in your INCAR.
问:No; adding \"LSCALAPACK = .FALSE.\" in INCAR makes no dfference, the problem continues the same.
问:I was successful to fix this problem解决此问题by using IALGO=48 instead of IALGO=Default。
unfortunately, when i set IALGO=48, the new warning is: WARNING in EDDRMM: call to ZHEGV failed, returncode = 6 3 14
how to solve this problem? what does \"ZBRENT\" mean? 对策:grep IALGO OUTCAR
IALGO = 68 algorithm (INCAR ALGO=Fast) 设置:IALGO=48
please try one of the following:
1) choose a different algorithm for ionic optimization (IBRION=1) 采用准牛顿算法来优化原子位置
2) set ADDGRID=.True. in INCAR (only for vasp releases发布管理、释放、豁免4.4.5 and newer)
IBRION = 2 ionic relax: 0-MD 1-quasi-New 2-CG
internal ERROR RSPHER:running out of buffer 0 0 13 1 0
nonlr.F:Out of buffer RSPHER 得到的CONTCAR是空的! 结构优化出现错误:
Internal内部的、内在的ERROR RSPHER:running out of buffer缓冲0 0
13 1 0
nonlr.F:Out of buffer RSPHER
解决:将NPAR=1修改成4(或者2),问题得以解决。 分两步(scf非磁线性计算,bands读取CHGCAR、WAVECAR做非线性自旋轨道耦合计算),能带计算出错:ERROR: while reading WAVECAR, plane wave coefficients系数changed 57286 28837
Solution: You have to continue with the converged收敛CHGCAR, because most probably, you will increase增加/change改变the k-mesh to get a denser密集的、浓厚的k-grid to calculate the DOS accurately. Then, WAVECAR will not be read correctly because the wavefunction-coefficients波函数-系数are stored存储k-point wise明智的concerning涉及the READ error of CHGCAR: please check whether the FFT meshes have changed. please make sure that
1) the CHGCAR really is in the working directory目录at runtime运行时间
2) the fft meshes of CHGCAR are compatible兼容的
The main points is in this sentence \"plane wave coefficients changed \
is different, therefore, the plane wave coefficients changed in these two process is not identical完全相同的. You can find the values of NGXF, NGYF and NGZF in the CHGCAR or OUTCAR of the scf, and then add these three parameters in the INCAR of the nonscf. OK, the problem is resolved.
dimension x,y,z NGXF= 64 NGYF= 64 NGZF= 840 support grid NGXF= 64 NGYF= 64 NGZF= 840
NGXF,Y,Z is equivalent to a cutoff of 25.43, 25.43, 25.05 a.u. 对策:在能带计算INCAR中加入NGXF= 64 NGYF= 64 NGZF= 840
ERROR: non collinear calculations require that VASP is compiled without the flag -DNGXhalf and -DNGZhalf
解决:待解决! 网上经验:
non collinear calculations require that V ASP is compiled without the flag -DNGXhalf and -DNGZhalf.
ISYM= -1 (?不对,ISYM取值0,1,2,3)
【SAXIS =自旋轴方向;MAGMOM= 每个原子的初始磁矩值】 to include SOC, please
1) add the following lines to INCAR LNONCOLLINEAR=.True.
SAXIS = # please give the spin quantization axis here, like 0 0 1 for the z-axis)
MAGMOM= # please give a triplet of numbers for each atom here, and please have a look at the manual (chapter non-collinear calculations and spin-orbit tag) on how the direction of the magnetic moments has to be defined with respect to the spin-quantization axis)
2)不要忘记如果你用的vasp不包含任何预编译程序命令-DNGXhalf, -DNGZhalf, -DwNGXhalf, -DwNGZhalf ,你必须重新编译vasp,因为这些参数通常对于非线性磁性计算是必要的,在DOSCAR中的第二块数据包含了E和4列s,p,d,如下:rho, m_x, m_y, m_z ,
2) don't forget that you may have to re-compile vasp without any of the precompiler (CPP) flags set: -DNGXhalf, -DNGZhalf, -DwNGXhalf, -DwNGZhalf , as necessary for non-collinear runs in general for non-collinear magnetism, the second block of data in DOSCAR contains E, and 4 columns for each, s,p,d, giving:
rho, m_x, m_y, m_z
with m....magnetisation,it makes absolutely NO SENSE to set ISPIN=2 (up and down) for non-clollinear runs, therfore this tag is ignored when it s read from INCAR.
1) it does not look to me as if the magnetic convergence is particularly bad. (please dont compare the moments stemming from the augmentation to the total moments).
have you decreased AMIX,BMIX, AMIX_MAG and BMIX_MAG for this run?
2)the mixing parameters must not have any influence on the
converged total energies.
3) if your system has a magnetic moment, you have to set ISPIN.
unless you set LNONCOLLINEAR explicitely , collinear magnetism is assumed by default, there is nothing to be specified in extra (except from starting with FM or AFM configuration by choosing the MAGMOMs accordingly)
4) please in any case check if the convergence of ALL ionic steps is bad. (consider that it may be possible that you relaxed into an unreasonable geometry which does not converge electronically).
without knowing further details, I would recommend to try the following:
please keep the low mixing parameters check if the k-mesh is converged try if a different BZ-integration (ISMEAR=1) and slightly larger smearing (SIGMA) helps set LMAXMIX=6 if your system contains d-elements
ISYM-tag and SYMPREC-tag ISYM = 0|1|2|3 Default 1
switch symmetry on (1, 2 or 3) or off (0).
For ISYM=2 a more efficient, memory conserving symmetrisation of the charge density is used. This reduces memory requirements in particular for the parallel version. ISYM=2 is the default if PAW data sets are used.
ISYM=1 is the default if VASP runs with US-PP’s.
For ISYM=3, the forces and the stress tensor only are symmetrized, whereas the charge density is left unsymmetrized (VASP.5.1 only).
This option might be useful in special cases, where
charge/orbital ordering lowers the crystal symmetry, and the user wants to conserve 【保存, 保藏】the symmetry of the positions during relaxation.
However, the flag must be used with great caution, since a lower symmetry due to charge/orbital ordering, in principle also requires to sample the Brillouin zone using
a k-point mesh compatible with the lower symmetry caused by charge/orbital ordering.
The program determines automatically the point group symmetry and the space group according to the POSCAR file and the line MAGMOM in the INCAR file.
The SYMPREC-tag (VASP.4.4.4 and newer versions only) determines how accurate the positions in the POSCAR file must be.The default is 10?5, which is usually suffiently large even if the POSCAR file has been generated with a single precision program.
Increasing the SYMPREC tag means, that the positions in the POSCAR file can be less accurate.
During the symmetry analysis, VASP determines the Bravais lattice type of the supercell,
the point group symmetry and the space group of the supercell with basis (static and dynamic) - and prints the names
of the group (space group: only ’family’),
the type of the generating elementary (primitive) cell if the supercell is a non-primitive cell,
all ’trivial non-trivial’ translations (= trivial translations of the generating elementary cell within the supercell) —needed for symmetrisation of the charge,
the symmetry-irreducible set of k-points if automatic k-mesh generation was used
and additionally the symmetry irreducible set of tetrahedra
if the tetrahedron method was chosen together with the automatic k-mesh generation and of course also the corresponding weights (’symmetry degeneracy’),
and tables marking and connecting symmetry equivalent ions.The symmetry analyses is done in f our steps:
First the point group symmetry of the lattice (as supplied by the user) is determined.
Then tests are performed, whether the basis breaks symmetry. Accordingly these symmetry operations are removed.
The initial velocities are checked for s ymmetry breaking. Finally, it is checked wheter MAGMOM breaks the symmetry. Correspondingly themagnetic symmetry group is determined (VASP.4.4.4 and newer releases only; if you use older version please also see section 6.12). The program symmetrises automatically:
The total charge density according to the determined space group
The forces on the ions according to the determined space group.
The stress tensor according to the determined space group Why is symmetrisation necessary: Within LDA the symmetry of the supercell and the charge density are always the same.
This symmetry is broken, because a symmetry-irreducible set of k-points is used for the calculation.
To restore the correct charge density and the correct forces it is necessary to symmetrise these quantities.
It must be stressed that VASP does not determine the symmetry elements of the primitive cell. If the supercell has a lower symmetry than the primitive cell only the lower symmetry of the supercell is used in the calculation. In this case one should
not expect that forces that should be zero according to symmetry will be precisely zero in actual calculations.
The symmetry of the primitive cell is in fact broken in several places in VASP:
local potential:
In reciprocal space, the potential V(G) should be zero, if G is not a reciprocal lattice vector of the primitive cell.
For PREC=Med, this is not guaranteed due to ”aliasing” or wrap around and the charge density (and therefore the Hatree potential) might violate this point. But even for PREC=High, small errors are introduced, because the exchange correlation potential Vxc is calculated in real space.
k-points: In most cases, the automatic k-point grid does not have the symmetry of the primitive cell.
internal ERROR: DEPLE: IRDMAX must be increased to 0 internal ERROR: DEPLE: IRDMAX must be increased to 0 错误:
ERROR FEXCF: supplied exchange-correlation table is too small, maximal index : 9344428
计算soc能带时,选择ISTART=1,即读入静态计算得到的W A VECAR
ERROR: while reading W A VECAR, plane wave coefficients changed 16135
1.I nternal内部的、内在的ERROR RSPHER:running out of buffer缓冲0 0
13 1 0
nonlr.F:Out of buffer RSPHER .....
ran an NPAR optimisation最优test and found that if NCPU is too high and NPAR too low the job will quit with ERROR RSPHER. On the other hand if NCPU is too low and NPAR too high the job will hang during iterations迭代次数and cease to停止write any output. There is an optimum value of NCPU/NPAR which can be determined by running a series of 1 or 2 hour jobs with NPAR=1,2,4,8,16,32 for a given number of CPUs. NPAR must always be a factor因子of NCPU and I believe optimum is usually close to NCPU/16, although this is probably cluster集群dependant相关、依赖and possibly also dependant on the type of calculation being performed.
得到的CONTCAR是空文件:说明结构优化部分出现了问题。 2. Logscf
running on 32 total cores
distrk: each k-point on 32 cores, 1 groups distr: one band on 32 cores, 1 groups using from now: INCAR
vasp.5.3.3 18Dez12 (build May 19 2015 15:36:57) complex Logbands ...
vasp.5.3.3 18Dez12 (build May 19 2015 15:36:57) complex POSCAR found : 0 types and 0 ions
对策1:修改KPOINTS 测试771 881 991 10101 11111 对策2:修改NPAR=1,测试NPAR=1,2,3,4,5,6 验证结果:
分别设置NPAR=4(或2),设置KPOINTS 6 7 8 91011 12 13
14 15比较计算结果。
3 Logrelax:
WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 4 -4.681828688433112E-002
有时,V ASP在电子自洽计算的中间步骤中会出现如下的错误 WARNING: DENTET: can't reach specified precision Number of Electrons is NELECT = 196.0137087990377 RMM: 7 -0.461353114525E+03 0.15540E+03 -0.29356E+02 6562 0.456E+01BRMI
X: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 195.99999 new 196.01370
V ASP计算中Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V的错误
DA V: 13 -0.242323773333E+03 0.98155E+02 -0.87140E+01 48832 0.949E+01BRMIX: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 252.00012 new 252.29979
WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 9 0.133520549894753
解决办法只需调整 AMIX, BMIX的值,把他们设置小一些。 设置AMIX=0.2(或0.3),BMIX默认(省事,等于1.0),可以保证计算过程无误。需进一步调整参数,得到正确的能带图。Message of \" Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian厄米共轭\"
问:Hi, I do calculations for transition metals过渡金属with respect to考虑primitive原始的monoclinic单斜晶体structure containing 16 atoms. V ASP runs in the cluster计算机集群and uses 4 processors处理器.
During the electronic structure relaxation, it always display lo ts of warning messages “WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 4” and eventually最后the calculation fails with such error message “Error EDDDA V: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 47 315” As seen显然, I set AMIX from the default value of 0.4 to 0.02, and the problem still exists.
What is the reason and how can I avoid such problem? Many thanks.
答:there may be several reasons for this error, the most common are最常见的原因:
1a) the input geometry was not reasonable (error occurs at the very first ionic step) or 初始几何结构不合理(离子优化第一步出错)
1b) the last ionic relaxation step lead to an unreasonable geometry (compare the input and output geometries of the
last ionic relaxation steps).离子优化最后一步得到不合理的几何结构(比较最后一步离子优化的输入和输出的几何结构)In that case it can be helpful to
--> switch to a different relaxation algorithm算法(IBRION-tag)
--> reduce the step size of the first step by setting POTIM
explicitely (通过设置POTIM,减少步长)
2) If this error shows up at all your calculations: The installation of the LAPACK on your machine was not done properly: use a different LAPACK, e.g. the LAPACK which is delivered with the code (vasp.4.lib/lapack_double.o)
3) on some architectures架构、体系结构(especially SGI) some Lapack routines are not working properly. However, it is possible to avoid the usage使用of the ZHEGV subroutine by commenting说明the line #define USE_ZHEEVX in davidson.F, subrot.F, and wavpre_noio.F and recompiling重新编译V ASP.
答:I got the same problem. If you are using vasp 4.6. Try using \"IALGO =48\" in the INCAR file. It solved the problem for me. INCAR中设置IALGO=48
问:Hi, I got the same problem on a sgi machine when running the Cu benchmark基准、标准检查程序. Changing to IALGO=48 just changed the problem; then I get the messages: .............
lib-4201: UNRECOVERABLE不可恢复的library库error. Encountered遇到during a direct access进入unformatted无格式的READ from unit 21. Fortran unit 21 is connected to连接 a direct unformatted无格式的unblocked畅通无阻的file: \"TMPCAR\"
IOT trap陷阱core dumped.....................信息转储、段错误、总线错误
These messages appeared after 20 cycles of RMM: and one line beginnig with 1 T= 2080. E= -.90209009E+04 E0=...
Please help to solve. Concerning关于previous admin超级管理员comments解释I should say that in the davidson戴维森, subrot and wavpre_noio files the variable \"USE_ZHEEVX\" does
not control whether ZHEGV is used or not; this seems to depend rather on the definition定义of the variable \"gamma_real\".
1)if you set USE_ZHEEVX
DSYEVX instead of DSYEV is used if gamma_real ZHEEVX ZHEEV all other cases. so it does not only affect the gamma-real version.
2) please have a look to the FAQs of the manual手册、指南: (http://cms.mpi.univie.ac.at/vasp/vasp/node265.html, \"I am running V ASP on a SGI Origin, and the ...)
set IWA VPR=10
IWA VPR = 11 prediction: 0-non 1-charg 2-wave 3-comb 设置IWA VPR=10 问:
Hi,I continue to have the previously reported problem found when trying to run the Cu benchmark基准、衡量标准on a sgi machine, i.e. the program aborts终止and the output ends with a series of lines such as entering进入、键入main loop 主循环SGI(Silicon Graphics )中文商标:硅图,美国硅图公司成立于1982年,是一个生产高性能计算机系统的跨国公司,总部设在美国加州旧金山硅谷MOUNTAIN VIEW的SGI公司是业界高性能计算系统、复杂数据管理及可视化产品的重要提供商.
N E dE d eps ncg rms rms(c)
WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 1, -18.497193968206293
followed by
Error EDDDA V: Call to ZHEGV failed. Returncode = 13 1 8
The earlier solution suggested by admin(DOS操作系统中,超级管理员。行政、管理)(suppressing制止的the line #define USE_ZHEEVX in davidson.F, subrot.F, and wavpre_noio.F and recompiling V ASP) does not work, i.e. the same error messages, and the same indication迹象、表示of ZHEGV failure, still appear出现. I may add now that the problem appears both with the lapack which comes with V ASP and with a system-native lapack library. The warnings given suggest that the problem actually appears at an earlier stage阶段, in which a matrix is generated with inadequate不适当的values which make it nonhermitian, and consequently ZHEGV fails even if working correctly; the solution thus would not be to avoid using ZHEGV, but to avoid an incorrect generation of the said matrix. Can someone give an idea to really solve the problem?
答:Please try if it works by adding \"LSCALAPACK = .FALSE.\" in your INCAR.
问:No; adding \"LSCALAPACK = .FALSE.\" in INCAR makes no dfference, the problem continues the same.
问:I was successful to fix this problem解决此问题by using IALGO=48 instead of IALGO=Default。
unfortunately, when i set IALGO=48, the new warning is: WARNING in EDDRMM: call to ZHEGV failed, returncode = 6 3 14
how to solve this problem? what does \"ZBRENT\" mean? 对策:grep IALGO OUTCAR
IALGO = 68 algorithm (INCAR ALGO=Fast) 设置:IALGO=48
问:Hi, I relaxed a molecular system with 39 atoms, using
ISMEAR = 0, SIGMA = 0.02, IBRION = 2, POTIM = 0.5. Then I found some messages like
\" ZBRENT: increasing intervall区间、间隔\" \" ZBRENT: bracketing括号found\" \" ZBRENT: interpolating插值\"
\" ZBRENT: can't locate minimum最小值, use default step\" at the end of some ionic steps in the log file. Could anyone tell me what these messages mean? Thank you in advance.
ZBRENT is an algorithm算法search for a root of a function by Brent's method: Numerical recipies说明, Section 9.3 The problem in your case might be that the Conjugate共轭Gradient algorithm (IBRION=2) is not suitable for very small corrections 修正of the atomic positions if your system has almost reached equilibrium (please have a look at XDATCAR to check the size of the relaxation steps done before the ZBRENT warnings警告信息show up出现). Usually it is sufficient足够充分的to converge 收敛a system up to maximum remaining剩余的forces of about 0.01eV/A (EDIFFG=-0.01).
please try one of the following:
1) choose a different algorithm for ionic optimization (IBRION=1) 采用准牛顿算法来优化原子位置
2) set ADDGRID=.True. in INCAR (only for vasp releases发布管理、释放、豁免4.4.5 and newer)
IBRION = 2 ionic relax: 0-MD 1-quasi-New 2-CG 设置ADDGRID=.True. In INCAR 设置IBRION=1 in INCAR
WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 6 -7.683405340580530E-003 .......
DA V: 5 -0.632794286692E+02 -0.15596E+00 -0.15560E+00 2024 0.361E+00BRMIX: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density:84.00000 new51285.75010
0.152E+04 ........
WARNING in EDDRMM: call to ZHEGV failed, returncode = 6 3 40
WARNING in EDDRMM: call to ZHEGV failed, returncode = 6 3 9
the error is due to a LAPCK call (ZHEGV):
ZHEGV computes all the eigenvalues, and optionally随意地, the eigenvectors of a complex generalized Hermitian-definite eigenproblem .there may be several reasons for that error:
1) the RMM-DIIS diagonalisation algorithm is not stable for your specific setup of the calculation.
–> use ALGO = Normal (blocked Davidson) or ALGO = Fast (5 steps blocked Davidson, RMM-DIIS)
对策:ALGO=Normal ALGO=Fast ALGO=Very_fast
a) maybe your input geometry was not reasonable (error occurs at the very first ionic step, please have a look for the geometry data of your run in OUTCAR ) or b) the last ionic relaxation step lead to an unreasonable geometry (compare the input and output geometries of the last ionic relaxation steps in XDATCAR). In that case (2b) it can be helpful to
–> switch to a different relaxation algorithm (IBRION-tag) –> reduce the step size of the first step by setting POTIM smaller than the default value
3) The installation of the LAPACK on your machine was not
done properly: use the LAPACK which is delivered with the code (vasp.4.lib/lapack_double.o)
4) If the error persist although you switched to the Davidson algorithm: on some architectures (especially SGI) some LAPACK routines are not working properly. However, it is possible to avoid the usage of the ZHEGV subroutine by commenting the line
#define USE_ZHEEVX
in davidson.F, subrot.F, and wavpre_noio.F and recompiling V ASP.
LAPACK: Routine ZPOTRF failed! 1 1 1 LAPACK: Routine程序ZPOTRF failed!
non-collinear: \"LAPACK: Routine ZPOTRF failed
I also ran into this problem, but I found a solution. The problem comes from来源于doing previous calculations之前的计算with
a reduced减少的k-point mesh produced by symmetry operations对称性操作.
I imagine想象you generated生成的、产生的the k-mesh automatically自动的. The failed失败的SOC run should have produced产生an IBZKPT file. If you peek看一眼inside里面it, you should see all the kpoints reported记录with a weighting 加重、权重factor因素of 1. If this is the case, take this file, and rename重新命名it KPOINTS. Setting设置ISYM=0, re-do重新算your collinear线性的calculation using this new file to generate your kpoint mesh. The WA VECAR and CHGCAR files you produce should be compatible兼容的with SOC calculations. Just make sure you use the exact精确的same k-point mesh and set NBANDS = 2*collinear-run value.
对策:设置NBANDS = 2*collinear-run value grep NBANDS OUTCAR
k-points NKPTS = 31 k-points in BZ NKDIM = 31 number of bands NBANDS= 50
Logscf: ......
Warning: For optimal performance we recommend that you set NPAR = 4 - approx SQRT( number of cores) ...
WARNING in EDDRMM: call to ZHEGV failed, returncode = 6 3 **
Logbands: ......
Warning: For optimal performance we recommend that you set NPAR = 4 - approx SQRT( number of cores) ...
N E dE d eps ncg rms rms(c)
DA V: 1 0.538256629320E+03 0.53826E+03 -0.21368E+04 3100 0.872E+02
RMM: 11 -0.539925235716E+02 -0.39446E-06 -0.77344E-06 2538 0.276E-03
1 F= -.53992524E+0
2 E0= -.53992524E+02 d E =-.909611E-22 3 Logrelax:
WARNING in EDDIAG: sub space matrix is not hermitian 1 0.193E-01
RMM: 12 -0.632827579110E+02 -0.67375E-02 -0.74584E-02 1933 0.181E-01BRMIX: very serious problems
the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 84.00000 new 84.00648 0.715E+00
ZBRENT: fatal致命的、重大的error错误in bracketing括号、托架
please rerun with smaller EDIFF, or copy CONTCAR to POSCAR and continue
Logscf .......
180 -0.571743847226E+02 0.68293E-06 -0.27000E-06 10281 0.578E-03
1 F= -.57174385E+0
2 E0= -.57174385E+02 d E =0.000000E+00 mag= -0.004 3 -0.0019 -0.0569 Logbands
LDA part: xc-table for Pade appr. of Perdew
ERROR :The linear tetrahedron method can not be used with the KPOINTS file (generation of strings带状of k-points)
修改INCARbands ISMEAR=-5 为ISMEAR=0 SIGMA=0.1 Logrelax:
WARNING in EDDIAG: sub space matrix is not hermitian 1 -0.295E-01
RMM: 12 -0.632827606725E+02 -0.66880E-02 -0.74142E-02 1933 0.181E-01BRMIX: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 84.00000 new 84.54422 0.716E+00
第一步,scf非磁性计算,得到CHACAR、WA VECAR, 第二步,bands非线性旋轨道耦合计算 错误:结构优化和静态没有错,能带出现错误: cat logbands
ERROR: while reading WAVECAR, plane wave coefficients系数changed 57286 28837
Solution: You have to continue with the converged收敛CHGCAR, because most probably, you will increase增加/change改变the k-mesh to get a denser密集的、浓厚的k-grid to calculate the DOS accurately. Then, WAVECAR will not be read correctly because the wavefunction-coefficients波函数-系数are stored存储k-point wise明智的concerning涉及the READ error of CHGCAR: please check whether the FFT meshes have changed. please make sure that
1) the CHGCAR really is in the working directory目录at runtime运行时间
2) the fft meshes of CHGCAR are compatible兼容的
The main points is in this sentence \"plane wave coefficients changed \is different, therefore, the plane wave coefficients changed in these two process is not identical完全相同的. You can find the values of NGXF, NGYF and NGZF in the CHGCAR or OUTCAR of the scf, and then add these three parameters in the INCAR of the nonscf. OK, the problem is resolved.
在静态计算的CHGCAR或者OUTCAR中找到NGXF, NGYF和NGZF,将这些参数加到非静态计算的INCAR中:
dimension x,y,z NGXF= 64 NGYF= 64 NGZF= 840 support grid NGXF= 64 NGYF= 64 NGZF= 840
NGXF,Y,Z is equivalent to a cutoff of 25.43, 25.43, 25.05 a.u. 对策:在能带计算INCAR中加入NGXF= 64 NGYF= 64 NGZF= 840
ERROR: non collinear calculations require that VASP is compiled without the flag -DNGXhalf and -DNGZhalf
基于:One of the lattice vectors is very long (>50 A), but AMIN is rather large. This can spoil破坏convergence收敛since charge sloshing晃动might occur along the long lattice vector. If problems with convergence are observed, try to decrease减少AMIN to a smaller values (e.g.举例来说0.01). Note: this warning警告only applies if the selfconsistency自洽cycle is used.
某一个晶格太大了,已经大于50埃,要求将AMIN =小值(比如0.01),设置AMIN=0.01
对能带结构影响微乎其微 方案四:
1 2 3 4 5-d 6-d 7-d 8-d LMAXMIX =4
Encut=580 K 151515 Encut=500 K 151515 Encut=580 K 101010 Encut=340 K 101010 Encut=580 K 151515 Encut=500 K 151515 Encut=580 K 101010 Encut=340 K 101010 relax
Encut=580 K 151515 Encut=500 K 151515 Encut=340 K 101010 Encut=340 K 101010 Encut=580 K 151515 Encut=500 K 151515 Encut=340 K 101010 Encut=340 K 101010 scf
Encut=580 K 151515 Encut=500 K 151515 Encut=340 K 101010 Encut=340 K 101010 Encut=580 K 151515 Encut=500 K 151515 Encut=340 K 101010 Encut=340 K 101010 bands
Soc(pengqiong) SYSTEM=Bi2Se3relax ENCUT=580 ISTART=0 ICHARG=2 ISMEAR=-5
15 15 15 0.0 0.0 0.0 KPOINTS 51 Line-mode Rec
0.0 0.0 0.0 !G 0.5 0.5 0.5 !Z KPOINTS 51 Line-mode Rec
0.5 0.5 0.5 !Z 0.5 0.5 0.0 !F KPOINTS 51 Line-mode
0.5 0.5 0.0 !F 0.0 0.0 0.0 !G KPOINTS 51 Line-mode Rec
0.0 0.0 0.0 !G 0.0 0.0 -0.5 !L 结果: