林语堂(1895~1976),福建龙溪(今漳州)人,原名和乐,后改玉堂,又改语堂,中国现代著名作家、学者、翻译家、语言学家。早年留学美国、德国,获哈佛大学文学硕士、莱比锡大学语言学博士。回国后在清华大学、北京大学、厦门大学任教。1954年赴新加坡筹建南洋大学,任校长。曾任联合国教科文组织美术与文学主任、国际笔会副会长等职。林语堂于1940年和1950年先后两度获得诺贝尔文学奖提名。曾创办《论语》《人间世》《宇宙风》等刊物,作品包括小说《京华烟云》《啼笑皆非》、散文和杂文文集《人生的盛宴》《生活的艺术》及译著《东坡诗文选》《浮生六记》等。 Preface
My Country and My People 《吾国与吾民》自序
In this book I have tried only to communicate my opinions, which I have arrived at after some long and painful thoughts and reading and introspection. I have not tried to enter into arguments or prove my different theses, but I will stand justified or condemned by this book, as Confucius once said of his Spring and Autumn Annals. China is too big a country, and her national life has too many facets,
for her not to be open to the most diverse and contradictory interpretations. And I shall always be able to assist with very convenient material anyone who wishes to hold opposite theses. But truth is truth and will overcome clever human opinions. It is given to man only at rare moments to perceive the truth, and it is these moments of perception that will survive, and not individual opinions. Therefore, the most formidable marshaling of evidence can often lead one to conclusions which are mere learned nonsense. For the presentation of such perceptions, one needs a simpler, which is really a subtler, style. For truth can never be proved; it can only be hinted at.
It is also inevitable that I should offend many writers about China, especially my own countrymen and great patriots. These great patriots have nothing to do with them, for their god is not my god, and their patriotism is not my patriotism. Perhaps I too love my own country, but I take care to conceal it before them, for one may wear the cloak of patriotism to tatters, and in these tatters be paraded through the city streets to death, in China or the rest of the world. 写了这本书,我将冒犯许多阐述中国的著作家,也是显而易见的,尤其是祖国的同胞和一般大爱国家。此辈大爱国家——鄙人与之实互不相涉,因为他们的偶像不是我的偶像,他们的爱国思想也不是我的爱国思想。说不定我也同样爱我的国家,可是我常小心翼翼在他们面前隐藏起来,因为人或许穿着爱国主义的大褂,过久则破碎而零落,而人方穿了破碎的大褂,炫耀过市——在中国,或在世界各处——服之终身而弗渝。
I am able to confess because, unlike these patriots, I am not ashamed of my country. And I can lay bare her troubles because I have not lost hope. China is bigger than her little patriots, and does not require their whitewashing. She will, as she always did, right herself again.
Nor do I write for the patriots of the West. For I fear more their appreciative quotations from me than the misunderstandings of my countrymen. I write only for the men of simple common sense. That simple common sense for which ancient China was so distinguished, but which is so rare today. My book can only be understood from this simple point of view. To these people who have not lost their sense of ultimate human values, to them alone I speak. For they alone will understand me.