造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Another will be to stiffen official resolve in America and elsewhere to tackle cyber aggression more forcefully.(另一个结果是,强化在美国或者其他地区的官方,解决网络入侵的强硬手段。)
2、The state propaganda tries to stiffen the people's resolve to resist NATO and defend their Brother Leader.(国家试图通过宣传战的方式加强人民抵抗北约以及保护自己领导人的决心。)
3、If she walked into classroom, our backs would stiffen and our knees would start to shake.(每当她走进教室,我们就觉得背开始发僵,两腿开始颤抖。)
4、Results 110 patients all recover, have no occurrence of excrescent circumstance of stiffen knee joint.(结果110例病人全部获得治愈,无膝关节僵直等异常情况的发生。)
5、Supposedly to stiffen Gazans’ resolve, the Qassam Brigades have begun to suppress the emerging good life in the strip.(恐怕是为了坚定加沙人民的决心,“卡桑旅”已开始抑制加沙地带人们生活的好转。)
6、What happens is the fluid that's sprayed into each fibre of the yarn starts to stiffen up and resist that mechanical strain.(渗入纱线纤维的液体黏性开始增大并阻止机械拉力。)
7、Hips often stiffen, particularly if a child sits for much of his time. Prone lying each day helps stretch them out.(款管家僵直,特别是经常坐着的小孩儿。推荐每天俯卧帮助关节延伸。)
8、This lignification serves to stiffen and strengthen the cells.(木质化足以使细胞变硬和增强。)
9、This sort of grease could not stiffen when the temperature drops.(温度下降时,这种润滑脂不会变稠。)
10、While other people stiffen their sinews with something stronger, the English constitution merely demands tea.(别国的人用更烈性的东西来增强体力,但英国人的体质却只需要茶。)
11、stiffen the cream by adding gelatine.(通过增加白明胶使奶油变硬。)
12、He can stiffen midfield if required or exchange Jermain Defoe for Heskey, or Rooney, if goals are needed.(他能够在需要时加强中场的硬度,又或者在需要进球时用杰梅·迪福换下赫斯基或者鲁尼。)
13、even though it may be difficult, during a fall try to relax your body rather than stiffen.(即使这有些困难,在跳下来的瞬间要尽量使身体放松,不僵硬。)
14、He was a solider whose mere mention would cause Skywalker's back to stiffen and face to scowl.(他是个一旦被提到就令天行者站姿僵硬,表情纠结的士兵。)
15、Some are calling for more drastic action, though that would stiffen the headwinds blowing against a fragile economy.(有些措施在号召更剧烈的动作,即使这会加剧已将经济吹的摇摇欲坠的逆风。)
16、To stiffen the shells, we added narrow carbon covered foam ribs on the inside.(僵硬的炮弹,我们增加了狭隘的碳泡沫肋骨涵盖在里面。)
17、I wish you'd stiffen-that I might enclose Your royal limbs, and measure to the toes.(我希望你能死去——这样我才能把你尊贵的四肢装好,然后从头测量到脚趾。)
18、During the spasms, children will suddenly bend forward and stiffen their arms and legs.(在筋挛时,儿童会突然卷曲向前,且手臂与脚僵硬。)
19、The shape helps stiffen the glass against wind loads.(这一形状可以帮助玻璃减少风的负荷。)
20、When her handlers tried to take her into a building, she would stiffen her legs and resist.(每当她的训练员带她走进一座建筑时,她总是四肢绷紧不肯前行。)
21、Dry the tears, push back against the malaise, burn away the fog and stiffen the spine.(擦干泪水,抑制莫名的不安,驱散迷雾,挺直脊梁。)
22、Congress will stiffen oversight of offshore drilling and boost the penalties for lapses.(国会将严格监管近海石油开采并加大对出现差错的惩罚力度。)
23、The glass will also stiffen the foam so that the rod won't dig into it .(玻璃也将变硬泡沫,使棒将不会挖掘到它。)
24、Glue the ends of the ribbons to stiffen them up and make threading easier.(用胶水使丝带的两端变硬,可以让孩子们在穿洞的时候更容易些。)
25、When those boundaries are crossed, an American's body will visibly stiffen and his manner will become cool and aloof.(如果越过了这些界限,美国人的身体会明显变得僵硬,他的态度也会变得冷漠。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。