


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、rickets is quite rare now.(佝偻病现在很少见了。)

2、They also prevent certain diseases such as rickets and pellagra.(它们还防止某些疾病,如佝偻病和糙皮病。)

3、Objective To discuss the application of bone alkaline phosphatase in early diagnosis of rickets.(目的探讨骨碱性磷酸酶在佝偻病早期治疗中的应用。)

4、rickets occurs because of a deficiency in sunlight exposure, not because of a deficiency in human milk.(佝偻病的发生原因是缺少日照,而不是因为母乳营养物质的缺失。)

5、My baby is rickets, I am very worried, please have the experience of those who answered, thank you!(还有我的孩子是不是佝偻病,我很担心,请有经验的人士回答,谢谢!)

6、Methods Determine serum trace elements in 39 late rickets and 23 healthy children.(方法对39例晚佝和23例健康儿童进行血微量元素测定。)

7、Vitamin D prevents the children's bone disease rickets.(维生素D预防儿童的骨骼疾病——佝偻病。)

8、Approximately 83% of children with rickets were described as African American or black, and 96% were breast-fed.(大约83%的患有软骨病的儿童为非裔美国人或黑人,96%的儿童还处于哺乳期。)

9、Other doctors looked for foods to cure the diseases rickets and pellagra.(其他的医生在寻找治疗佝偻病和糙皮病的食物。)

10、rickets is a degenerative bone condition that can lead to curvature of the spine and bone fractures.(佝偻病是一种骨髓退化状态,它会导致脊椎和骨质结构的弯曲。)

11、Objective to understand the prevalence rate of rickets in the infants and to explore the cause factors.(目的了解佝偻病在婴儿中的患病率及发生佝偻病的原因。)

12、in my front is a rickets of the elderly, an alzheimer's appearance.(在我正面是一个佝偻的老人,一副老年痴呆的样子。)

13、There is typical change with rickets in their blood and X ray.(血生化及X线片有典型佝偻病改变。)

14、Take it easy: Too much sunblock puts you at risk of rickets and osteoporosis(放轻松:过量防晒霜使女人处在身患佝偻病和骨质疏松症的边缘。)

15、Severe deficits in vitamin D may lead to muscle weakness, defective bone mineralization and rickets.(严重的维生素D缺乏会导致肌肉无力,骨质矿化缺陷以及佝偻病。)

16、Conclusion This investigation demonstrates the presence of delayed rickets in children.(结论调查证实本地区儿童有晚佝存在。)

17、And Vitamin d, found in fish, means children need no longer grow up with 10 rickets.(另外,在鱼类中的维生素d可让孩子成长过程中再不会得佝偻病。)

18、The X-ray findings of 15 cases of primary hypophosphatemic vitamin D resistant rickets(PHVDRR)are presented.(本文报道15例原发性低血磷抗维生素D佝偻病的X线表现。)

19、If it is found that your baby has rickets, must be under the guidance of doctors to give appropriate treatment.(如果发现你的宝宝有佝偻病,必须在医生的指导下,给予相应的治疗。)

20、So the worst scenario is the gas tank is empty and the car won't go - you have rickets.(因此最糟糕的情形是汽油灌空了,汽车走不动了——你得佝偻病了。)

21、Objective: To discuss the relation of rickets and blood lead level.(目的:探讨佝偻病的发病及治疗与血铅水平的关系。)

22、A child who is suffering from rickets.(一个患软骨病的小孩。)

23、rickets is no longer common in the UK and does not occur in children who have a healthy diet.(佝偻病的不再是共同在英国和不会出现在谁的儿童有一个健康的饮食习惯。)

24、In fact, this is one of the early symptoms of rickets.(其实,这正是佝偻病的早期症状之一。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


