造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Indeed, heated arguments about the most appropriate form of reading instruction continue to polarize the teaching community.(确实如此,“最合适的阅读教学法”已成为热烈辩论的议题,教师因此而分化成了对立的阵营。)
2、Radioactive energy causes one to reverse polarize;(核辐射能量造成你极性逆转;)
3、Otherwise, the current drawn from the cell electrodes will cause a voltage drop across the internal resistance of the electrode and may polarize the cell.(否则,从电池电极吸取的电流将会在电极的内阻上产生电压降并可能使电池极化。)
4、Rather than polarize, synthesize.(不要两极分化,综合一下。)
5、We think that languages - for whatever reasons - polarize a lot and with a 'one size fits all' approach you always lock out millions of developers.(我们认为语言——不论什么原因——非常极端,并有“放之四海而皆准”的方法,就是把几百万的开发者拒之门外了。)
6、Nothing seems to polarize people as much as the vexed question concerning the importance of audible differences between amplifiers.(任何事情都似乎两极化的人之多令人烦恼的问题的重要性,发声差异扩音机。)
7、It will be another big incident polarize the public.(这将是让公众情绪走向极端的另一起重大事件。)
8、They polarize in many aspects, such as forms, functions and characteristics. The latter brings us the concept of urban fringe.(二者在形态、功能和特征等方面都呈现出两极化,而后者带给了我们城市边缘区的概念。)
9、The current surge will polarize the generator - especially important if you have had the generator out for repairs.(目前的高速增长会产生两极化-尤其是重要的,如果你有出维修发电机。)
10、As a fully conscious species you can reverse polarize into any region a dream for very mild physical trauma.(作为一个有意识物种,你可以将极性翻转到任何一个地区,以获得一个极其温和的物质层创伤的梦想。)
11、Triggers are a powerful DB2 database feature that can be used to polarize business logic to the relational database.(触发器是DB2数据库的一个非常强大的特性,您可以使用它将业务逻辑分化到关系数据库这边。)
12、The polarize in the patronage is very serious ;(赞助营销两极分化现象严重;)
13、Look at all the couples that you know that polarize you into being single and alone and make a written list.(看看你所认识的、将你极化到单身的所有夫妇,并写下一份清单。)
14、The ground will not have time to polarize completely and the decay will have a smaller amplitude.(地层还来不及充分极化,衰减曲线的幅度将比较小。)
15、Rather than polarize with partners figure out how you can find the fertile ground of compromise.(与其和伙伴形成分化的局面,不如想办法找到如何妥协的地方。)
16、Missile deployment did much to further polarize opinion.(导弹的部署进一步地加剧了意见的分化。)
17、Earth was to be used as a place to polarize unwanted darkness and fission karma that was never to be transmuted in Sirian ascension.(地球将要被用来当作一个极化不想要的黑暗和核裂变业力的地方,那是在天狼星的提升中从来没有得到转化过的东西。)
18、But most people never polarize.(但大多数人从来不曾极化过。)
19、It is. not so easy a matter however to fabricate a grid which will polarize light, but it has been done.(然而要做一个让光起偏的线栅则不那样容易,但是究竟还是做出来了。)
20、Photons penetrating into a dielectric polarize it and, in turn, are partially canceled out.(光子穿透入介电质会使其偏极化,而且会造成部份的抵消。)
21、What if you don't want to polarize?(要是你不想极化会怎么样?)
22、the mechanisms of slow polarize relaxation come from the diffuse of space charges and traps, it is absorption current in the macroscopic.(慢极化弛豫机构来源于空间电荷和缺陷的扩散,宏观表现为吸收电流,用时域微分谱可解释这一结果。)
23、Footballer David Beckham's ability to polarize opinion has seen him included in both lists.(足球明星大卫?贝克汉姆在这两个排行榜上均有一席之地,全靠他有本事能让公众对他的评价两极分化。)
24、When neutrophil senses compounds, they polarize and move towards the source.(当嗜中性粒细胞感应到复合物,它们将极化,向信号源移动。)
25、But using optical equipment that can polarize light, those scales appear bright blue.(但是如果使用分光设备,这些鳞片看起来就是明亮的蓝色。)
26、As you run the correct frequencies for your gender, you will properly polarize.(当你为性别运作正确的频率,你将正确极化。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。