造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Mike Henry has a 2-hectare farm in Palmer, Alaska.(迈克?亨利在帕尔默拥有面积为两公顷的农场。)
2、Four years ago he planted a hectare of potatoes at McCain Foods' urging and under its guidance.(在麦凯恩的劝说和指导下,他于四年前开始使用其中的1公顷进行马铃薯耕种。)
3、Wine grapes will be planted on most of one hectare in the Staten Island Botanical Garden.(酿酒葡萄将种植在史泰登岛植物园的每寸土地上。)
4、It is also packed with carbon: up to 400 tonnes per hectare.(此处碳储量同样丰富:每公顷高达400吨。)
5、He farms just under a hectare on a hillside overlooking the dairy.(他的农场不到一公顷,在山坡上,俯瞰着奶场。)
6、Here, her family farms on less than 1/6th of an acre (1/15th of a hectare), not enough to feed even themselves.(她家不到1/6英亩(1/15公顷)的土地甚至养活不了他们自己。)
7、According the designers, one hectare of mangroves should be able to produce 30,000 liters of freshwater a day.(按照设计师的说法,一公顷红树林每天应能生产出30,000升淡水。)
8、"People like me may be making a difference in a small way," Jan McCourt, a onetime investment banker now running his own 40-hectare spread in the English Midlands stocked with rare breeds.(“像我这样的人可能正在以一种很小的方式产生影响。”简·麦考特曾经是一名投资银行家,现在在英国中部地区经营着自己的40公顷土地,囤积着一些稀有品种。)
9、Since 2000, yields per hectare have risen by nearly two-thirds.(自从2000年以来,每公顷产量已经提高大约三分之二。)
10、The source of Helal's income is over 150 mango trees growing across a hectare of land in Ismailia, northern Egypt.(在埃及北部的伊斯梅利亚省,希拉勒的收入来源是种植在一公顷土地上的150多棵芒果树。)
11、yield per hectare continued expanding until the 1990s.(每公顷产量持续增加,直至20世纪90年代。)
12、By comparison, Mexican farmers use 200 kilograms per hectare.(相比之下,墨西哥农民每公顷使用200千克氮。)
13、The five-bedroom house is on almost half a hectare of land along.(这个有5间卧室的房子占了约50公顷的土地。)
14、According to statistics, yearly output yield of cranberries is something around 600 kilos per hectare.(据统计,蔓越莓年产量每公顷大约600公斤。)
15、He adds that no tribal people lived in the 721-hectare area covered by the mining lease.(他还补充说,在该矿租约涵盖的721公顷土地范围内,没有任何部落居民定居。)
16、The university will have a 285-hectare farm and courses will include agricultural production and marketing.(这所大学将拥有一个285公顷的农场,课程将包括农业生产和营销。)
17、Its land in Essequibo costs a mere 37 cents a hectare.(在Essequibo的土地每公顷才仅仅37美分。)
18、This is sufficient to remove 100 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere for each hectare of land.(而这就足以使每公顷土地从大气中吸除100吨CO2。)
19、Visitors will then throng through the 75 tents and public spaces on a 31-hectare site in the west of the city.(然后游客们将拥至城市西部31公顷土地上的75个帐篷与公共场所里。)
20、Yield is the amount produced for each hectare or acre.(模型中的产量是指每公顷或每英亩土地生产的粮食总量。)
21、And experts say potatoes can produce more food per hectare than wheat or rice.(并且专家指出,每公顷产出的土豆提供的食物比大米或小麦都多。)
22、This spring Mr Pisa will reap around 3 tonnes of soyabeans per hectare.(今年春天,比萨先生将收获每公顷约3吨的大豆。)
23、In Iowa in the US, the average rain-fed maize yield is 10 tonnes per hectare.(在美国爱荷华州,靠雨水供养的玉米平均产量为每公顷10吨。)
24、Couple Mikey and Tanya Carr-Hartley have a 56.56-hectare estate in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro.(麦基和坦雅夫妇在乞力马扎罗山脚下拥有一个占地56.56公顷的庄园。)
25、The family maintains a 170-acre (70 hectare) botanical garden and nature preserve on the island.(在岛上,McIlhenny家族保留着170英亩(70公顷)的植物园和自然保护区。)
26、His family had a 40-hectare farm on which they grew wheat, maize and hay and raised pigs and cattle.(他家有一个40公顷的农场,种植小麦、玉米和干草,还养猪和牛。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。