

2022-05-04 来源:榕意旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Dust and gas envelop a cluster of massive stars called Pismis 24 in a new picture of a nebula in the constellation Scorpius.(这是一张来自天蝎星座的新照片,由尘埃和气体笼罩着的这团巨大恒星群叫做普日密斯24恒星群。)

2、These are consolidated to the smallest feasible footprint, allowing the topography to surround and envelop the trunk of the house.(我们将人的行动足迹压缩到最小,让地形包裹住宅,并在其中置入树木。)

3、Why is the approach called envelop Building?(为什么这种方法被称为围护结构建筑?)

4、Slowly he pulled the letter out of the envelop, and unfolded it.(他不慌不忙地将信从信封里取出打开来。)

5、All combine to form a layer of mist to envelop this region.(织成一层烟雾又笼罩着这个地区。)

6、The construction techniques include a high performance building envelop and triple glazed Windows.(施工技术包括高性能围护结构和三层玻璃窗。)

7、A high quality voice conversion system is composed of the spectral envelop transforming system and the residual prediction module.(在完成目标说话人的残差预测系统后,与谱包络转换系统共同构成最终的说话人转换系统。)

8、Please stick two stamps on the envelop.(在信封上贴上两枚邮票。)

9、He sat down, and in a few minutes felt the night 's chill envelop him.(他坐下来,没几分钟就感到了夜的寒冷裹住了他。)

10、I get nervous when I see the envelop from school in the mail.(当我看见来自学校的信封时我总是紧张。)

11、But all I could see was a vast dark void, swirling, menacing storm clouds that seemed to envelop me.(但是,我所能看到的只有巨大的黑洞,令人压抑的重重乌云如漩涡翻涌,仿佛要将我吞噬。)

12、Stick a stamp on the envelop.(把一张邮票贴在信封上。)

13、Hope, happiness will come to you; dream, opportunities will envelop you.(心存希望,幸福就会降临你;心存梦想,机遇就会笼罩你。)

14、Fear and stress envelop thinking and people overfocus on a narrow selection of solutions.(恐惧和压力笼罩着人们的思维,人们过度关注于有限的解决方案。)

15、The shape of the envelop suggested that the letter might be from a girl.(信封的形状表明该信可能是一个女孩写的。)

16、And in our mail arrived an envelop without a return address.(而我们邮箱里收到了一个信封,上面没有写发信人地址。)

17、Do you usually grab red envelop on WeChat?(你有没有经常在微信上抢红包?)

18、The purity men love is like the mists which envelop the earth, and not like the azure ether beyond.(人们所爱好的纯洁是包裹着大地的雾,而不是上面那蓝色的太空。)

19、enter the text pen in node of the request envelop and send the request for a third time, but with different category name.(在请求信封的节点输入文本pen,第3次发送请求,但是使用不同的类名。)

20、To cover or envelop with or as if with fog.(以或仿佛以雾气覆盖或包容。)

21、It is quiet natural scents that envelop you and immersed in the tranquility and peace.(这种宁静自然的香气将你围绕,让你沉浸在安宁和平的氛围之中。)

22、PS: We suppose to post you some money, but the envelop has already sticked.(又及:我们本来要寄钱给你但是信封已经粘好了。)

23、The cantilevered sunscreens extend the boundaries of the building envelop and provide a branch like quality to the facade.(悬挑式遮阳篷扩展了围护结构的边界,并且提供了与立面特性相同的分支。)

24、They only make sounds when someone grab a red envelop with very lousy money in it.(只有在他们抢到一个红包的时候才会发出声响,而红包里的钱少得可怜。)

25、The fog began to envelop the campground.(大雾开始弥漫,渐渐包围了营地。)

26、Such storms can sometimes envelop the entire planet and change the characteristics of the atmosphere, making EDL far trickier.(这样的风暴有时会包围整个地球,并改变大气层的特性,使得EDL更加棘手。)

27、His energy, warmth, and curiosity envelop you like a blanket.(他的精力、热诚和好奇心如毯子一般将你包围。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


